Nationwide action Care on the ground

Nationwide action Care on the ground / Health News

Nationwide action: care on the ground


Last Saturday, the action took place in around 80 cities throughout Germany „Care on the ground“ instead of. The Flashmob aims to draw attention to the difficult conditions in the care industry.

Flash mob in 80 cities
The action took place yesterday in around 80 cities throughout Germany „Care on the ground“ instead of. The organizers want to draw attention to the emergency in the care sector with this flash mob. Legislators call for a reform of care policy that will improve the situation for caregivers, patients and relatives. The initiators complain of labor shortages, low pay and low appreciation of the activity. As the activists say, under these conditions, work becomes more and more physically and psychologically burdensome.

Nursing emergency for 20 years
In the action, the participants put in public places of different cities, often despite the bad weather, for ten minutes on the floor. The message of the nationwide action was aimed primarily at politics: „The nursing professionals are literally on the ground, because for more than 20 years there has been a care problem. The nurses demand that their situation and those in need of care also be discussed in the coalition negotiations at the federal level.“

Lobby of the hospital companies do not upset
In Lübeck, where about 50 participants came together, organizer Arno Heyne told the Internet newspaper „“: „We are the foster people! And we go to the street. Politics creates framework conditions - and with that she should finally start! There are laws for everyone, for example how far an awning may protrude over the sidewalk. However, there should be no minimum number of nurses to care for 30 patients with dementia, eight ventilated intensive care patients or five preemies, with the appropriate qualifications. As the head is nicely drawn between the shoulders not to upset the lobby of the hospital companies and the doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Care has always been able to make everything somehow possible, has almost never complained. Could be that this is changing now.“

Several thousand participants
The nationwide Flashmob was the fourth of its kind. At the two previous events in November and December of the previous year, around 3,000 people each had landed in 60 or 70 cities. at „Care on the ground“ According to its own information, it is an association of people working in the nursing profession or care-giving relatives and people who care about care, independent of parties, trade unions and professional associations. (Ad)