BUND Increased plasticizer load in day nurseries

Increased concentration of dangerous plasticizers in day care centers
In Germany's nursery schools, the concentration of toxic plastic softeners is significantly increased. The Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) has found this out in the investigation of 60 day care centers and warns against lasting damage to health.
The BUND has found in the investigation of the dust samples from 60 daycare that they were significantly more burdened with harmful plasticizers than in normal households. On average, the concentration of toxic plasticizers in the day care centers was three times as high as the values of private households, said the environmental protection organization on Tuesday in Berlin.
BUND shocked by plasticizer load of daycare
The concentration of phthalates (plasticizers) in the daycare center is extremely worrying, according to BUND. The chemistry expert of the BUND, Sarah Häuser, described the result of the voluntary and anonymous investigation as „shocking“ and stressed that „Children (...) without need of a great burden“ become. In some nurseries, the concentration of plasticisers is so high that the children, by their stay in day-care centers, absorb hazardous chemicals at concentrations that are harmful to their health, explained BUND's expert. In the light of the available results, the BUND of the Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) now called for a ban on harmful substances in the environment of children. The laboratory commissioned by the BUND had mainly detected the phthalates DINP and DEHP in the examined day care centers, whereby the softener DEHP is officially classified by the Federal Environmental Agency and the EU as toxic for reproduction. Ibrahim Chahoud of the Berlin Charité explained that phthalates act like hormones and „lead to permanent changes in children“ can. For example, plasticizers would have a negative effect on testicular and sperm development, the expert emphasized.
Wallpaper and furniture cause dangerous levels of plasticizer
According to the BUND, the reason for the high concentration of dangerous plasticisers in the day-care centers is soft PVC, which is mainly found in floors, vinyl wallpaper, gymnastics mats, plastic tablecloths, plastic furniture and upholstery made of plastic. While softeners are banned in toys, their use in other products remains possible, according to the allegation of BUND expert Sarah Häuser. The hazardous plasticizers are released from the products over time, resulting in significantly increased concentrations in day care centers, houses pointed out. In addition, the tolerance values introduced by the European Food Safety Authority for various phthalates do not ensure that the plasticizers do not cause any negative health effects, as the Berlin toxicologist Ibrahim Chahoud has made clear „it (...) no safe dose and there is always a risk“. Because so far no one can determine how the different combinations of substances react with each other and in the human body. According to the expert, it would also be conceivable that the negative health effects of the different plasticizers add up. Therefore „should (we) try to minimize the burden as much as possible“, stressed the toxicologist.
BUND: Avoid plasticisers, use natural materials
The BUND has been recommending for some time to avoid products made of soft PVC as much as possible and to use, especially in the environment of children no plasticizer-containing products. The fact that a significantly higher concentration of phthalates was found in nurseries is especially critical. Why the developers and operators do not pay attention to the avoidance of potentially plasticizer-containing materials, remains foggy. The cost argument may play a role here, because natural materials - the BUND recommends natural rubber, wood, linoleum or cork - are often much more expensive. However, especially the municipalities, which are often the operators and builders of day-care centers at the same time, should be aware of their responsibility for the children's health and not endanger them for cost reasons. Almost every textbook on home remedies provides sufficient information for the prevention of harmful phthalates. In the day-care centers, the BUND also recommends regular ventilation and cleaning to minimize the concentration of hazardous plasticizers. (Fp)
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Picture: Jürgen Frey