Bruxism Yoga for teeth grinding

Yoga and Co: What helps with teeth grinding
About eight percent of German adults grind their teeth at night. This teeth grinding, also called bruxism, can lead to numerous health consequences. Since stress and anxiety are among the possible causes, relaxation exercises such as yoga can help - but possibly also Botox.
Teeth grinding with numerous consequential damages
According to the latest figures of dental experts, eight percent of adults in Germany crunch their teeth at night, reports „The world“. It was not until the age of 65 that most Germans kept their teeth at night, and only three percent of older people still crunch. In teeth grinding, also called bruxism, dental enamel, jaw muscles and joints are sometimes severely damaged. In addition to the masticatory muscles other muscle groups can be damaged, which are tense to stabilize the head. This can lead to severe pain syndromes and tinnitus. Frequently dizziness, blurred vision and nausea also occur. Patients often suffer from back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain and pelvic pain.
Various causes such as stress or anxiety
The causes of bruxism have so far been little researched scientifically. For example, it is still not clear to what extent a genetic predisposition plays a role. In the past, the reasons were often sought in the anatomy, but now count according to studies and surveys numerous circumstances as risk factors. These include sleep disorders, chronic stress or anxiety, but also influences from alcohol, smoking, caffeine or some medications. According to the report of „The world“ Women crunch twice as often as men. Investigations have also shown that crunchers are more exposed to everyday stress compared to control groups. According to a survey of 13,057 people in England, Germany and Italy, a significant relationship between critical life events and nocturnal teeth grinding resulted. Of those surveyed, 69 percent associate their crunch with stress or anxiety.
Burdens can cause enormous damage
A group of researchers at the Helsinki University Dental Clinic, which studied 1,784 employees of Finnish broadcasting, came to similar conclusions. Even with them, the crunchers reported more stress than their non-crunching colleagues. The scientists concluded: „Bruxism can be seen as an indicator of long-term stress in everyday working life.“ But annoyance in the family, exam stress or financial problems can cause people to rub their teeth together. Forces of 300 to 400 kilograms per square centimeter are said to act on the teeth during crunching. „Bruxism exerts eight to ten times the force normally required to break down food“, said the scientist Anne Wolowski of the University Dental Clinic in Münster, according to the „world“-Contribution. Such loads can lead to enormous damage.
Recently, dentists offer Botox treatment
As a rule, bruxism is diagnosed by a dentist. The standard therapy is a crunching splint (bite splint), which the affected person usually has to carry at night. These plastic splints are designed to prevent overloading the teeth, muscles and joints, protect the dentition and compensate for irregularities. The splints therefore only help symptomatically. More recently, dentists have also offered treatment with Botox to relax the muscles hardened by grinding their teeth. Even if the drug was not intended for this indication so far, the first results are promising. The nerve poison is injected once or twice a year into the masticatory muscles. Health insurance companies cover the costs, which are between 400 and 600 euros per treatment, but not.
Counteract the internal tension
In addition to treating the symptoms, there are also therapies that address the possible causes. For example, yoga, autogenic training, hypnotherapy, progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen or behavioral therapy can help counteract the internal tension. Another form of therapy is biofeedback. Also at the dental clinic of the University of Münster, where there is a consultation for people with jaw-facial complaints, you put it on. „We try to help with the biofeedback method“, according to Anne Wolowski „world“-Report. In this procedure, patients can observe directly on the screen how much they use their jaw muscles. You can then practice a more relaxed posture with the help of the pictures. Later, even without a control image, patients should be able to better control their jaw movements, even in difficult life situations. (Ad)
Picture: Heike