Reduce breast cancer risk with little exercise

Reduce breast cancer risk with little exercise / Health News

Reduce breast cancer risk: every day for half an hour


Every year, around 17,000 women die of breast cancer in Germany. In the breast cancer month of October nationwide is increasingly informed about the subject. Half an hour of exercise a day can help reduce breast cancer risk.

Prevention through movement
Every year, more than 75,000 women in Germany develop breast cancer. Around 17,000 women die every year according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. On the occasion of the month of breast cancer in October, the German Cancer Aid points out that women who move quickly for 30 to 60 minutes a day are less likely to develop breast cancer than physically inactive women. In addition, prevention by exercise also reduces weight, which can also prevent illness.

„Moving is healthy“
Experts attribute lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity or overweight or obesity to the high number of breast cancers. According to studies, frequent and sustained exercise is especially useful for preventing the risk of breast cancer. In a press release of the German Cancer Aid Freerk Baumann from the Institute for Cardiovascular Research and Sports Medicine of the German Sport University Cologne: „Moving is healthy and has been proven to reduce breast cancer risk.“

Physically active people live healthier lives
Through regular exercise you can stimulate your metabolism, strengthen the immune system and help your body to repair damage to the genome itself. In addition, the movement blocks inflammations that are suspected of causing cancer. In addition, physically active women are less likely to be overweight, which can also prevent disease, as the cancer aid says too many pounds favor the emergence of breast cancer. It applies in principle that people, who like to be and often physically active, often live healthier anyway. So they eat more balanced, are more often non-smokers, take little alcohol and spend more time outdoors.

„Enjoy sports and exercise“
For those who want to step into a more active sporting life and want to find out about the connection between exercise and cancer prevention, offers the joint campaign „Movement against cancer“ the German Cancer Aid, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the German Sport University Cologne Information and valuable tips. On their website the experts write: „The aim of the campaign is to provide fun in sports and exercise and to give simple tips that help make everyday life more agile.“ (Ad)