Breast Cancer Diagnosis Tissue samples soon avoidable?

The fear of breast cancer accompanies many women and noticeable breast lumps are a real shock to her. But breast cancer does not always have to be present in such cases. Today, physicians usually obtain clarity by taking a tissue sample (biopsy). In the case of a negative assessment, an unnecessary invasive procedure, which, however, so far can not be avoided. Heidelberg University Hospital is now to test whether a reliable diagnosis without biopsy is possible with the aid of a special ultrasound procedure.
The international study under the auspices of the University Gynecological Clinic Heidelberg is testing the special ultrasound procedure known as elastography in breast cancer diagnostics. According to the University Hospital of Heidelberg, women can participate in a biopsy if they are advised. The scientists hope that the new diagnostic method will be able to completely avoid unnecessary biopsies in the future.
With palpable lumps in the chest, biopsy is often required to provide clarity. In the future, researchers hope to use a special ultrasound procedure to achieve a reliable diagnosis - without invasive surgery. (Image: SENTELLO / changes differ from malignant
"Mammograms or ultrasound scans often reveal breast lumps in women that initially can not be clearly classified as benign or malignant," reports Heidelberg University Hospital. In these cases, the removal of a tissue sample is indicated. The new study will now test "how well the tissue suspensions can be assessed with a special ultrasound procedure, the so-called elastography," the university hospital continued. The physicians hope to recognize benign changes in the future without biopsy as such and thus spare a large number of women unnecessary invasive diagnostics.
Study participants wanted
Researchers from Heidelberg and five other German breast centers as well as clinics in the USA, Japan, France, the Netherlands and Portugal are participating in the study. "A total of 1,000 women are to be included in the study," according to the release of the University of Heidelberg. The high-end ultrasound device will be provided to all participating centers by Siemens for the duration of the study. Women who want to have a tissue sample taken at the advice of the treating physician to clarify an unclear finding in the study centers can take part. The transfer took place usually by the established gynecologist.
Reliability of the new method is being tested
The participating women should receive elastography once after the routine ultrasound examination before the planned biopsy. According to the researchers, the examination will take about ten minutes and will not cause any pain or health risks. Subsequently, the results of the elastography and tissue examination will be compared to check the reliability and validity of the ultrasound procedure. All collected data are treated strictly confidential and are secured against unauthorized access, the Heidelberg University Hospital continues.
Diagnostics should be significantly improved
There is no personal health benefit for the participating women, as they will definitely be biopsied, "but by their willingness to participate in the study, the patients are helping to improve breast diagnostics in the future for women in a similar situation," emphasizes Study Director Private Doc. Michael Golatta, Senior Physician at the University Gynecological Clinic Heidelberg. Up to now, in addition to mammography, ultrasound examinations are often carried out as part of precaution or clarification. Subsequently, a classification of the detected tissue changes by means of a standardized assessment system.
Up to 90 processes unnecessary tissue samples
Accordingly, the changes are divided into five categories, with categories 1 and 2 describing benign changes such as cysts or calcifications, and category 5 indicating clearly recognizable malignant tumors, according to the University of Heidelberg. In categories 3 and 4, a tissue sample is recommended or even strongly recommended for further clarification because, for example, in category 4a, the risk that the detected tissue change is malignant is up to ten percent. "It would be too risky not to investigate further. At the same time, for at least 90 percent of women in this category, it means unnecessary tissue harvesting, "explains Drs. Golatta.
With the help of elastography, it would also be possible to detect the degree of hardening of tissue, which is related to the malignancy of a tissue change. "Tumor tissue is harder and thus less elastic than the surrounding healthy tissue," reports Heidelberg University Hospital. To reduce the high percentage of unnecessary biopsies, "we will establish elastography in breast cancer diagnostics as part of the multicenter study," said study leader Golatta. (Fp)