Breast cancer screening can save breast

Every second woman goes to breast cancer prevention
Like the health network „Affects chest“ Only one woman in two uses breast cancer screening for mammography. In this case, an early breast cancer diagnosis could receive the breast of the patient in most cases.
Every year more than 2,000 women in Schleswig-Holstein fall ill with breast cancer. Last year, there were over 2,880. Like the network „Affects chest“ Yet only one woman in two uses the free breast cancer screening mammography. According to the latest analysis, only 46 percent of women between the ages of 50 and 69 used mammography screening. „The quality of the screening is very good, but the participation rate is still not so good“, explained Dr. Thomas Lange, who is responsible for mammography screening in Kiel. "More than a quarter of a million women between the ages of 50 and 69 have participated in the screening program over the past four years, which means that almost every second woman in Schleswig-Holstein has taken part in this offer," said AOK boss Dieter Paffrath.
Checkups completely painless
Since the introduction of preventive examinations, malignant breast tumors have been detected in 2155 women. As such, the examination is completely painless and is only seen by a few women „as unpleasant“ felt. "More than three quarters of women had no affected lymph nodes or metastases," said the radiologist Dr. med. Thomas Lange. If a timely diagnosis is made, a less stressful and breast-conserving therapy can be initiated. Early diagnosis helps to treat breast cancer better and alleviates mental distress.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis in women. Every year around 55,000 women in Germany suffer from breast cancer. Static, therefore, every tenth woman is affected. The chance of getting the chest in the early diagnosis increases to 60 percent. A weighty argument on time and regularly go to mammography. (Sb)
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