Breast Cancer. Brave woman releases body photo

Bold Australian shows her breast cancer-drawn body
It was the 32nd birthday of Australian Beth Whaanga when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Meanwhile, her body is heavily drawn by the numerous operations. On Facebook, the now 33-year-old shows her naked body in order to sensitize others to the topic and to draw attention to the importance of precautionary measures.
Diagnosis on the 32nd birthday
Ironically, on her 32nd birthday, Australian Beth Whaanga was told that she has breast cancer. Today, her body is heavily drawn by the numerous operations. Nevertheless, the now 33-year-old decided to take a bold step and now shows her naked body in public on Facebook. Her message is:„No matter if old or young, age does not matter, regular controls are crucial. It can happen to you too!“
Scars are testimony to the fight against cancer
When the four-time mother from Brisbane received her breast cancer diagnosis, doctors also found that she had a mutation on the BRCA-2 gene. Such a mutation also slightly increases the risk of ovarian cancer. After the diagnosis, Ms. Whaanga removed the mammary glands, uterus, lymph nodes of the left armpit and larger moles. However, the Australian does not hide her remaining scars, but lets herself be photographed by a photographer friend. „The scars are a testimony to the fight you have been through“, said Whaanga to the „Huffington Post“. „They show that you survived and won the fight.“
Create awareness of the disease
The brave Australian was so excited by the pictures taken that she decided to go public. On Facebook she started the campaign „Under the Red Dress Project“, which will motivate many other women to fight breast cancer and increase awareness of the disease.“ Every day we walk past people. They look quite normal, but under their clothes hides sometimes a body that tells a different story“, writes Whaanga.
The pictures are dramatic
The 33-year-old is on her campaign page, first as a beautiful young woman in a red dress to see. If one then continues to click one comes however to the warning: „The following pictures are drastic and include topless recordings.“ This is followed by the impressive pictures of her scarred body. Meanwhile, more than 35,000 people have liked the courageous action. A few negative comments spoke of „disgusting“ or „obscene“ Images. But they do not stop the Australian from continuing to fight. She had already announced in advance that the recordings are in any way sexually meant. The only goal is to increase attention for breast cancer.
About 80 percent of women can be treated
According to figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 70,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in Germany. About 17,000 women die every year. For this year, the RKI expects more than 75,000 new cases. About 80 percent of ill women today can be treated successfully, according to the German Society for Senology (DGS). Breast cancer is no longer synonymous with a death sentence. It depends a lot on an early diagnosis. Doctors can resort to different treatment options that can often be used to maintain the breast. Hereditary women also have alternatives to breast amputation. (Sb)
Image: Facebook snapshot