Breast cancer most common cancer in women

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Berlin.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Berlin women. About every fourth malignant tumor affected the female breast. This was announced by the Berlin Senate Administration on the Joint Cancer Registry (GKR) of the eastern German federal states. Especially in older women, a continuous increase in new cases was found.
Every fourth cancer in women in Berlin was breast cancer. The diagnostic year 2007 was used to collect the data. Accordingly, a total of 2014 breast cancer diagnoses were made. The cause of death statistics for the period showed 632 deaths as a result of „Breast carcinoma“ out. In 2007, the number of new cases was measured for women aged 40-44. Statistically, 68.5 women out of every 100,000 Berlin women in this age group suffered from breast cancer. As the Senate Administration announced, a steady increase is observed, especially among older women in the capital. Among 65- to 69-year-old women, the number of new cases (incidence) is already 342.4 diseases per 100,000 inhabitants.
Breast cancer screening shows initial success
According to the Berlin Senate, the breast cancer screening introduced in 2006 is showing initial successes. It is a mammography examination used for the early detection of breast cancer. In mammography, the female breast is X-rayed. The aim of this screening study is to detect breast cancer at an early stage to prevent progression of the disease and provide adequate treatment options. Since 2008, the proportion of prognostically favorable tumors with a size of less than one centimeter in the age group between 50 and 70 years of age, more than twice as high as in other age groups. While among the 50- to 69-year-old women, 17 percent of the tumors were found to be smaller than one centimeter, in just 7 percent of the cases, the same was true for the other patients.
The investigation is for the statutory health insurance is free, for PKV insured individual rules can apply, here should insured with its provider inquiries. A practice fee does not apply to the check-up. (sb, 01.11.2010)
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