Breast cancer Good care in breast centers

Breast cancer: Good care in breast centers
Breast cancer is not necessarily a death sentence for women today thanks to its improved screening. The Robert Koch Institute reports about 57,000 new cases and about 18,000 deaths per year. 90 percent of those affected can be treated in certified breast centers. A benchmarking report of the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the German Society of Senology (DGS) shows that the quality of therapy in certified breast centers is very good. Self-help groups complain that there is a lack of adequate psychosocial care for women.
What are certified breast centers?
Breast centers are specialized departments in hospitals or associations of facilities where the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female breast - in more rare cases also of the male breast - are performed. First and foremost, breast cancer care, such as mammography, and treatments for breast cancer. Oncology, gynecology, radiology, hematology and other departments work closely together. Breast centers certified by the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the German Society of Senology (DGS) should ensure that patients are treated according to the latest scientific standards. They are subject to strict specifications.
Breast cancer screening is also carried out at the breast centers and can be performed free of charge for women between the ages of 50 and 69 every two years. In mammography, even small, non-tactile changes in the chest can be detected. The sooner a breast cancer diagnosis is made, the greater are usually the chances of recovery.
205 breast centers guarantee almost nationwide care in Germany
In Germany, there are 205 breast centers at 262 locations that have been awarded a quality seal by the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the German Society of Senology (DGS). For the benchmarking report of the two professional associations, data from about 50,000 breast cancer patients at 246 locations in Germany were analyzed. The data analysis was supplemented by a survey of more than 7,000 patients treated in 2010 in certified breast centers. Ninety-five percent of respondents said they felt they could rely on their doctor.
Professor Rolf Kreienberg, Chair of the Certification Committee of the DKG, reports that certified breast centers have concrete guidelines for standardized cancer therapy. Oncologists, surgeons and radiotherapists often work hand in hand in the breast centers, so that a better treatment outcome for those affected can be achieved.
Certified breast centers meet their target criteria
Based on the recently presented benchmarking report of the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the German Society of Senology (DGS), the high quality of the breast centers becomes clear. Kreienberg gives as an example the target values for the treatment of patients with positive lymph node involvement: In the certified breast centers, 86.5 percent of those affected were treated with chemotherapy. However, the guidelines provide only 60 percent, so that this target is more than fulfilled. „We are delighted that the guidelines we have defined in the guidelines have met or even exceeded on average“, explains the chairman of the certification committee of the DKG. In 13.5 percent of the cases, however, there is a need for improvement.
The guidelines and targets can also be used to detect deficiencies that breast centers must then resolve within three months to one year to maintain their quality seal. It depends on the severity of the deficiencies. In case of serious defects, the quality seal can be withdrawn.
Self-help groups criticize early discharge and lack of psychosocial care
However, the report also indicates that there is room for improvement. In the breast centers, for example, the provision of information is handled very differently. Furthermore, the inclusion of patients in the treatment can be improved, reports the DKG. „From conversations with the patients, we know that the hospital often lacks the time for the informative conversation, especially when it comes to questions about psychosocial or psycho-oncological support“, explains Karin Meissler, Deputy Chair of Women's Self-Help after Krebs e.V..
Professor Holger Pfaff from the Institute of Medical Sociology at the University of Cologne reports: „For example, there are clear differences between the individual centers.“ With the dismissal of the patients and the continuation of the treatment in the medical practice one can still achieve improvements in some breast centers. Many patients are discharged from hospital one day after the breast-conserving surgery. The patients remain alone with their questions and do not receive sufficient psychosocial care. (Ag)
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