Breast cancer Genetic causes rare

Breast cancer: IKK Südwest relies on thorough education and regular preventive care
The current coverage of the topic „Precautionary mastectomy in a genetic preload“ has made many women in Germany insecure. Many insured persons of the IKK Südwest have also sought the advice of their health insurance in recent days. Above all, the IKK focuses on education and regular participation in preventive medical examinations. Only very few patients have a genetic predisposition to an increased risk of breast cancer.
In fact, only 5 - 10% of all breast cancer patients suffer from a genetic gene mutation. An indication of this defect can be, for example, heaped cancers in the family. In the case of a high level of family bias, IKK therefore bears the costs of a corresponding genetic test. This can be done in one of the fifteen centers for familial breast and ovarian cancer in Germany.
„If a genetic defect is detected in an insured person, she discusses the next steps with her doctor. Only very few women, however, opt for the most radical solution, the preventive mastectomy. Close medical supervision is the better option for many patients. In Germany, there is excellent medical care especially in this area. Of course, the IKK accompanies its insured on their individual path, no matter how they decide“, explains Dr. Jörg Loth, Managing Director
the IKK Southwest.
With around 74,000 new cases a year, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Germany. Although some risk factors such as age, diet and lifestyle are known, the causes of an actual onset of the disease are still largely unclear. Therefore, all women should be regularly at
Get a doctor's test - the IKK Südwest pays all insured persons over the age of 30 years the screening test.
„The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery and the gentler the treatment methods - if a diagnosis is made at a very early stage, often no surgical intervention or surgery to maintain the breast is required. That is why we inform our insured persons as comprehensively as possible about the subject and focus on education“, so Dr. Jörg Loth continues.