Breast implants increase cancer risk

Breast implants increase cancer risk / Health News

Involvement of breast implants in cancer


An international study group has come to the conclusion that breast implants can trigger a new subtype of the rare but malignant lymphoid cancer ALCL after analyzing numerous studies and data available worldwide. The real reasons for this remain unclear.

Subspecies of a rare lymphoma cancer
With the participation of the Viennese pathologist Lukas Kenner, an international study group has investigated the relationship between breast implants and the development of lymphomas that grow in the scar tissue around the transplant. As reported in a report from the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, the researchers assume, „that breast implants can trigger a new subset of the rare but malignant lymphoid cancer ALCL.“ The study group came to this conclusion after analyzing numerous studies and data available worldwide. The scientists published their findings in the journal „Mutation Research“.

71 such diseases worldwide
The researchers found 71 such diseases in literature and registry data worldwide, where the implants may have been responsible for the development of ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma). Normally, ALCL affects lymph nodes in the skin, lungs, liver, and soft tissue, but not in the chest. In the thoracic area, ALCL is almost exclusively available in patients with breast implants and developed in those affected around ten years after implantation. The tumors grew in the scar tissue around the implant. As the researchers write that is „absolute risk“ low and in the range „1: 500,000 to 1: 3,000,000 breast implant patients per year“ to settle.

Actual reasons remain unclear
However, the real reasons why implants can cause lymphoma remain unclear. Although some patients received chemotherapy and radiation treatments, in many others the lymphomas regressed after removal of the implants and surrounding tissue. This reinforces the assumption that an abnormal immune response of the body caused the cancer. Lukas Kenner and his team are now preparing further studies in which implants and prostheses are to be examined at other parts of the body.

Health risk
Surgery on the body always poses a certain health risk, but so far no studies have been published that establish a clear connection between breast implants and other cancers. Other dangers have been documented. As early as 2010, French authorities had discovered that inferior gel was used in the manufacture of some silicone cushions, causing more cracking of the implants and, as a result, inflammation. Even in case of several suspected cases of suspected cancer a connection was suspected. (Ad)

Picture: Peter Smola