Bronchitis Waiting is the best medicine

Bronchitis Waiting is the best medicine / Health News

Waiting is the best medicine


Everyone has ever felt the stabbing sensation of breathing and the sometimes painful coughing. Especially in the winter time diseases of the respiratory tract occur increasingly and from the waiting rooms of the doctor's offices barking cough is heard. Many patients come to their doctor with bronchitis.

Bronchitis, ie inflammation of the bronchial mucous membrane, either occurs acutely or is chronic. In acute bronchitis viruses are usually the trigger for the inflammation of the respiratory tract, or the bronchi and this disease is one of the most common reasons why a doctor is visited in the winter time. Very often, acute bronchitis is the result of a cold that first spread in the nasopharynx and then wandered deeper into the body. The pathogens of acute bronchitis are transmitted by the smallest drops when sneezing, coughing or talking (droplet infection) or by smear infection on the hands.

In addition to cough, an increased mucus production, fever is one of the general symptoms. Therefore, it can not always be determined immediately whether you have contracted a bronchitis. If the trachea is also affected, doctors speak of acute tracheobronchitis, which is the case with most patients. „Every adult has acute bronchitis once or twice a year“, estimates Andreas Hellmann, chairman of the Federal Association of Pulmonologists (BdP) in Heidenheim (Baden-Württemberg).

Smokers are more likely to suffer from chronic bronchitis
In particular, smokers suffer from chronic bronchitis, which also forms as a result of the cigarette smoke and its ingredients by other irritants. Asthma can also promote bronchitis. But what happens when the bronchi are attacked? First and foremost, the viruses interfere with the functioning of the respiratory tract „The viruses can damage the cilia, for example, limit their beating frequency“, explains Ludger Klimek from the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology.“

The secretions within the bronchi become sticky and tough, areas swell or cramp. The secretions are only badly removed, which is perceived as unpleasant irritation and leads to coughing. „Mostly, the cough is initially dry, without expectoration“, explains Heidrun Holstein, a physician at the consumer center Baden-Württemberg. After two to three days, the viscous mucus begins to slowly dissolve and be transported out of the bronchi via the cough. „Usually, the infection lasts about 14 days and then heals, even without doing anything“, so expert Hellmann. However, if the symptoms are too severe, treatment of the symptoms should be considered to alleviate respiratory problems. Especially at night during sleep, a constant, painful cough is particularly unpleasant. An inhalation with chamomile or saline before going to bed can provide relief.

Home remedies for coughs such as honey, onion broth or salty soups also have a long history of treating bronchitis. If this is not enough, cough blockers can temporarily bring recovery. „In no case should the cough completely be stopped. The mucus has to get out of the body“, explains Holstein. It also helps to drink water or drink tea to liquefy the mucus. Not always viruses are the trigger for a disease of the bronchi. Every tenth acute bronchitis is caused by bacteria rather than viruses, says Hellmann „Signs are high fever, purulent or bad-smelling or bad-tasting expectoration.“ If these symptoms occur, patients should go to the doctor. By throat swab or a blood test can be clarified whether bacteria are the trigger. If this is the case, an antibiotic is usually prescribed immediately. For longer-lasting and particularly severe symptoms may also need to be X-rayed, so that pneumonia can be ruled out. (fr)

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann