Breaking and diarrhea Norovirus on the rise So we can protect ourselves

Breaking and diarrhea Norovirus on the rise So we can protect ourselves / Health News

Vomiting diarrhea caused by Noroviruses: Hygiene and hand washing protect against infection

Vomiting diarrhea, fever, headache: In the cold season, the Noroviruses are on the rise again, also in North Rhine-Westphalia. Currently, more and more gastrointestinal diseases are detected in the district of Paderborn. But there are ways and means to protect against infection.

High prevalence of norovirus infections

In the course of the year, an unusually high prevalence of norovirus infections was repeatedly reported from various regions of Germany. Also in parts of North Rhine-Westphalia, these pathogens are on the rise. In December alone, 14 kindergartens in the Paderborn district reported cases of gastrointestinal infections that are attributable to noroviruses, a statement said. Experts explain how to protect yourself from infection.

In the cold season, the noroviruses are on the rise. More and more people are suffering from vomiting diarrhea. But you can also protect yourself from the dangerous pathogens. (Image: michaelheim /

Rise is typical for the season

Noroviruses were discovered in 1972. They are easily transmitted and therefore responsible for much of the non-bacterial gastrointestinal infections in children and adults. The main season of the pathogens is during the cold winter months and usually lasts until March.

An infection with Norovirus usually hits people surprisingly fast and violently. According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the disease suddenly begins with violent diarrhea, nausea and giddy vomiting.

In addition, there is often a strong sense of malady with muscle and abdominal pain, occasionally with mild fever and headache.

"The strong refractive diarrhea can quickly lead to a lack of fluid in the body, which can be noticeable by a pronounced weakness or dizziness," writes the BZgA.

Most complaints resolve completely after one to two days. There is no vaccine or medication. Only the symptoms can be treated. In some cases, infected people have to go to a clinic for treatment.

Protect from infection

As the head of the Paderborn health department, Uwe Litwiakow, explained, "the hospital capacity for patients with suspected infection" have in the meantime "come to their limits".

To prevent infection with the dangerous noroviruses, certain hygiene measures should be followed.

Regular hand washing and disinfection of the hands, for example after shopping, the use of public transport or other contact with many people could help to break the chains of infection.

Parents should be careful not to return sick children to community facilities such as kindergartens or schools unless the symptoms (diarrhea and vomiting) have gone up for 48 hours.

"This is the best way to protect other children, as well as the educators," Litviakov said.

Viruses are eliminated with the stool or vomit

Infected people excrete the viruses with the stool or the vomit. The stool may already contain norovirus if no disease symptoms have yet occurred. After the disease has resolved, he may be infectious for another week or two.

Treacherous too: Once excreted, the virus adheres to objects and surfaces for a very long time and can then enter the body "hand in the mouth" on the way.

During the illness should not be saved with the toilet paper. The paper looks like blotting paper and also absorbs the viruses. Because the main transmission path is then the hand.

Hands and palms should therefore be washed longer and more thoroughly after using the toilet than usual. Especially in the acute phase it is better not to use a bar of soap but liquid soap in soap dispensers.

In addition, you should get a hand disinfectant from a pharmacy, which also kills viruses, writes the district Paderborn.

Such a solution is after hand washing and drying spread on the hands and triturated. Every member of the family and especially the patient should use their own towel, which should be changed daily.

Clean the toilet daily

The toilet should be cleaned as many times a day as possible in the acute period of vomiting and diarrhea. In the two weeks after, it does not have to be that often anymore.

"Critical" areas in the bathroom such as door handles and fittings must also be thoroughly cleaned. Special disinfectants are not needed in the home. When cleaning, rubber gloves should be worn and the cleaning cloths changed more frequently.

In the acute phase, disposable wipes are recommended because of the high number of viruses. Dishes can be cleaned as usual and thus also in the dishwasher. Laundry and towels should be washed with a heavy duty detergent at least 60 degrees.

Many diseases are never officially recorded

The Paderborn health department has been officially reported 171 confirmed cases of norovirus infections (as of December 11). The number of unreported cases should, however, be much higher.

The statistics only list those cases in which a laboratory certificate was also carried out. Frequently, family physicians, and occasionally hospitals, especially in the case of disease waves, refrain from doing so, as viruses can only treat the symptoms anyway.

In addition, there are the gastrointestinal diseases in private households ("is just stomach-intestine"), which also go to the Noroviren account, but are never officially recorded. (Ad)