Brown sugar not healthier than white

Brown sugar not healthier than white / Health News

Brown sugar not healthier than white


Whether in coffee, tea or desserts: sugar is the number one sweetener. Although it has been pointed out over and over for years that brown sugar is no healthier than white, this belief still holds true. Sugar is one of the unhealthiest foods anyway.

Sweetie number one
Sugar is the number one sweetener in Germany. Whether in coffee, tea or desserts: Many people like to add a few spoons. There is still the belief that brown sugar is healthier than white. But the consumer center Bavaria is now in a message from the news agency dpa clear that brown sugar is indeed more natural, but not healthier than white sugar. As the experts say, the energy content is just as high and contributes equally to caries. It is therefore a matter of taste which or whether one chooses white or brown sugar.

Minerals and vitamins
As the agency notes, brown sugar is produced either because white sugar is colored with caramel or molasses. Or some steps are left out during the production and remains of molasses then color it. As a result, brown sugar contains a little more minerals and vitamins, but in terms of quantity this does not play a significant role in terms of health. The rather good reputation of brown sugar may have something to do with it being confused with cane sugar, which also has a brownish tint. Although this is not healthier, but at least often not industrially manufactured.

One of the most important fattening
Sugar, whether brown or white, is not only the number one sweetener, but also one of the most important fattening agents. Due to the high sugar consumption in many countries, the risk of overweight and obesity increases enormously. As a result, diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases are also increasing rapidly. Because of the health problems that can be caused, experts in Germany repeatedly demand a sugar-fat tax. In other countries there are such extra donations already. For example, in France, where 2012 a „Cola control“ for sugar fortified drinks. Mexico has introduced a tax on foods that contain over 275 calories per 100 grams. (Ad)

Picture: Antje Delater