Lyme disease and TBE What you need to know about ticks right now

Lyme disease and TBE What you need to know about ticks right now / Health News
Ticks transmit dangerous diseases - how to protect yourself
Anyone who travels in the summer months in nature must expect to be bitten by ticks. The little bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases like Lyme disease or FSME. Experts explain what to look for and how to protect yourself.

Beware of ticks
Gardening, sunbathing, cozy barbecues, relaxing walks: In summer, most people spend as much time as possible outdoors. In the warm months ticks are also active in many areas. The little bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous infectious diseases. What many people are unaware of: Ticks are found not only in forests and meadows, but also in gardens and in cities. Experts explain how best to protect yourself from the crawlies.

Anyone spending time outdoors in the warm summer months runs the risk of being bitten by ticks. The little bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases. Experts explain how to protect yourself from the animals. (Image: Schlegelfotos /

Carriers of dangerous diseases
Ticks are not only lurking in the woods and meadows, they also feel good in the garden. Even in some cities they are very common.

The small bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) or Lyme disease. Experts therefore repeatedly point out the importance of protecting themselves from ticks.

What many people are unaware of is that the animals have meanwhile also spread in big cities. The University of Hohenheim reported in a statement that "in 60 percent of all gardens ticks" were detected.

Although their investigations were confined to the Stuttgart area, "we can assume that the results can be transferred to other cities," explained Prof. Dr. med. Ute Mackenstedt from the University of Hohenheim.

"The one who steps out the front door is in the habitat of the ticks," says the expert.

TBE can be fatal in extreme cases
Of the various tick-borne diseases, TBE is considered one of the most dangerous. Especially in older people, the disease can be difficult. About one third of the infected people have symptoms of illness.

First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness.

Some patients also develop meningitis and encephalitis with the risk of spinal cord damage. In extreme cases, the disease is fatal.

There are no drugs available against TBE itself, only the symptoms can be treated.

Lyme disease occurs nationwide
In addition to TBE, ticks can also transmit Lyme disease. This disease caused by bacteria occurs in all parts of Germany.

Symptoms may include redness, fever, muscle and headache, to paralysis. Some complaints can occur only after months.

If the disease remains unrecognized and untreated, it can lead to chronic damage to, among other things, the heart, nerves and joints.

There is no vaccine against the disease. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics.

Vaccination for people from risk groups
Against TBE, a vaccine is available. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) and other health professionals recommend vaccination coverage to people who often spend time outdoors in TBE risk areas.

Also for people working in the nature like forestry workers or farmers as well as for tourists, who travel in TBE risk areas abroad, a vaccination makes sense.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) offers on its website an overview of TBE risk areas in Germany. These are mainly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg - but also in places in Thuringia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate or the Saarland.

Information about a TBE risk abroad can be found in the Foreign Office travel safety information.

Protect as well as possible from ticks
Some people think that ticks fall from the trees. But that's not true. The little crawlies are mostly in the grass, bushes or undergrowth.

Rainer Schretzmann from aid infodienst has a good tip to protect against ticks: "Wear sturdy shoes and long trousers that are put into socks". This makes skin contact more difficult. Also special insect sprays can keep the small animals away.

After a trip in the woods, meadows or heavily overgrown creeks you should search the clothes and the whole body for ticks. "Especially in crotch, in the armpits, elbows and hollows of the knees, the bloodsuckers like to keep up," says Schretzmann.

Act fast after tick bite
After a tick bite is urgent. The animal should be removed as soon as possible, because: "The tick must suck for a longer time before the pathogen is transmitted," writes the RKI on its website.

"The risk of infection increases after a suction time of more than 12 hours. Removing the tick at an early stage, the transmission risk is therefore very low. "

It is important that "all parts of the tick are removed to prevent inflammation," says the RKI.

"To do this, you grab the tick with a pair of tweezers or a special tick-removing instrument near the surface of the skin, ie on your mouthparts (never on the soaked body!) And pull it out of the skin slowly and straight," it continues.

The tick should not be turned as far as possible and under no circumstances should it be drizzled with oil or glue before being removed. This would unnecessarily irritate the animal and could cause it to release its saliva and thus possible infectious agents ".

After removal of the tick, careful disinfection of the wound is recommended.

According to health experts, you do not have to go to the doctor after every tick bite. The risk of contracting Lyme disease or TBE is low overall.

However, anyone who notices after the bite of a tick that skin redness occurs at the injection site should seek medical help immediately. Because this is an indication of Lyme disease.

If you are not sure about a redness after an insect bite or bite, you can compare it with pictures of the so-called Erythema migrans on the Internet. (Ad)