Ligament tear Stabilize the joint during exercise

Ligament tear Stabilize the joint during exercise / Health News

Stabilize the joints after a torn ligament during exercise


Torn ligaments are among the most common sports injuries. They are extremely painful, slow to heal, and then require adequate rehabilitation to restore stability and performance, the news agency reports „dpa“ with reference to the renowned sports physician Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne. If the training is resumed after a rupture, the swelling should, according to the expert, already subsided and the patient be largely painless.

As a rule, according to the sports medicine doctor, a ligament tear can only be re-entered into training after four to eight weeks. Recommended, however, is early, careful stretching. This gives the new fibers additional growth stimuli. In addition, according to the expert, special attention should be given to stabilizing the damaged joint when resuming exercise. Here Froböse recommends, for example, light weight training, whereby the stabilizing exercises can be gradually increased.

Pay attention to the signals of the body
In the course of sports activities should be after a torn ligament „exactly to the signals of the body“ respected and „rather less than too much“ be trained, the Cologne sports physician told the „dpa“. At the latest as soon as the pain sets in, the stress limit is reached. As sports activities are recommended, in which the joint is not stressed too much, such as cycling. A light running training is also conceivable, as long as no pain occurs. However, Froböse does not name sports with sudden changes of direction such as football, handball or tennis. According to the experts, these sports tend to resume only after a long break. Before returning to training, the sports physician also recommends consulting with the attending physician. (Fp)

Image: Bredehorn.J