Blood poisoning Third most frequent cause of death

Blood poisoning Third most frequent cause of death / Health News

Blood poisoning: Third most frequent cause of death in Germany: At the international congress "Trauma, shock, inflammation and sepsis" from March 9th to 13th, 2010 in the clinic Großhadern of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich the professor for surgery Eugen Faist again pointed to the dangers heavy blood poisoning in Germany.

Blood poisoning (sepsis) gets in Germany every day about 420 people. That's around 154,000 people every year. 60,000 people of them die of it. One of the reasons, according to Faist, is the fact that nowadays more and more elderly and very ill people are being operated on, who are more susceptible to sepsis than younger people. One reason is also an intact immune system. If very aggressive germs invade our organism, sepsis sufferers would not be able to oppose it enough, and the invaders may ogranism „flood“.

Causes and consequences, as well as new strategies in dealing with the severe blood poisoning are to be presented at the international congress, where about 2000 Beuscher are expected. There are already physicians who with the use of stem cells and novel concepts of anti-inflammatory the number of deaths want to halve by sepsis. In the naturopathy it is pointed out that in advance a well-functioning immune system should be valued. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 10.03.2010)