Blood test for early cancer detection

Blood test for early cancer detection / Health News

Biomarkers help in the early detection of cancer


The earlier the stage of disease in which cancer is detected, the higher the chances of successful treatment. Therefore, the early detection of cancer is of particular importance. Here, so-called biomarkers could help in the future to detect the disease by a blood test much earlier than previously, German researchers report in the journal „ Nature Methods“.

With the help of a bioinformatician Andreas Keller at the University of Saarland developed the biomarker concept. Sebastian Häusler, dr. Last year, Jörg Wischhusen and Professor Johannes Dietl from the University Gynecological Clinic Würzburg developed the basis for a blood test that can reliably diagnose cancer at an early stage of the disease. The researchers found in special cancer patients with ovarian cancer special so-called "microRNA", which could be clearly differentiated from healthy patients and accordingly well suited for a cancer diagnosis with the help of blood tests, the researchers of the University Women's Hospital reported last year in „British Journal of Cancer“.

Biomarker to delineate different clinical pictures
Now scientists all over Germany have been led by Dr. Ing. Andreas Keller from Heidelberger „Biomarker Discovery Center“ As part of a follow-up study, the test method on 14 sometimes very difficult to diagnose diseases, such as cancer of the pancreas, the gastrointestinal tract or the prostate transmitted. The researchers also used the blood test based on biomarkers to diagnose multiple sclerosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This one has „Overall, a high specificity for the individual clinical pictures was shown, which could be differentiated diagnostically well from each other and from healthy control groups“, the Würzburg expert Dr. Jörg Wischhusen. According to the researcher, the novel test procedure showed a safety of more than 90 percent in the diagnosis of cancer, even with 99 percent of individual clinical pictures.

In order to determine possible natural delimitation criteria for the various diseases, the scientists have Keller in the blood samples of the patients looking for biomarkers that can be used for a diagnosis. Tiny fragments of ribonucleic acid (RNA) - so-called microRNA molecules - which were first discovered in 2001, show clear differences in healthy and sick people, according to the experts. In the context of their study, the scientists were now able to prove that the tiny RNA fragments are different for each type of cancer studied, so that they can be clearly diagnosed in the blood samples using their "microRNA pattern". Now, all that is needed is a suitable blood test procedure to use cancer diagnostics in practice in the future, the researchers report. However, it will probably take some time until the marketability of a corresponding test procedure. Cellar and colleagues.

Biomarkers as a basis for improved cancer diagnosis
The basis for significantly improved cancer screening through blood tests has been laid by deciphering the appropriate biomarkers, and the need seems enormous given the relatively serious health consequences of cancer. However, the avoidance or early diagnosis of cancer can often earn less money than treatment, so that the question remains as to who will lead the market for the new method of cancer diagnosis with the help of biomarkers. (Fp)

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Picture: Rainer Sturm