Blood tests can help police detect fatigue in motorists

Blood tests can help police detect fatigue in motorists / Health News

Can a new test really determine our tiredness??

If people do not get enough sleep, it will affect their attention and performance. If tired people control a car, it can lead to an increased accident risk. Newly-developed blood tests could help police in the future identify drivers who are too tired to drive a car.

The scientists at the Sleep Research Center at the University of Surrey have now developed a new blood test that can tell how tired certain people are. The experts published the results of their research in the English language journal "Sleep".

When people drive a car, they should be as healthy and alert as possible. Fatigue or illness can lead to serious accidents with fatal consequences. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

What could the test be used for??

For example, the new test could be used to help cops find out to motorists if they are too tired to drive safely. Employers could also use the test to assess the fitness and commitment of their staff.

36 subjects participated in the study

For the development of the test, the researchers examined 36 healthy adults in their sleep research center. It was analyzed how sleep deprivation in the blood of the participants can be demonstrated. Some of the subjects had to stay awake for a period of 40 hours, reports study author Dr. Emma Laing from the University of Surrey. Blood samples were then taken and changes occurring in thousands of genes were measured.

Computer was able to detect sleep deprivation with 92 percent accuracy

A computer program identified a total of 68 genes, which can be used with an accuracy of 92 percent to determine whether the sample comes from a person suffering from sleep deprivation or a rested person. Scientists hope that they can develop the test so that it can recognize as accurately as possible how much or how little sleep a person has had.

How many people deal with fatigue in traffic every year?

It is difficult to determine how many people actually die each year from road fatigue, as fatigue is much more difficult to detect than alcohol and drug use. Currently, the police have no way to test a person for his fatigue. This could change in the future. (As)