To diagnose hypertension measure blood pressure!

To diagnose hypertension measure blood pressure! / Health News

World Hypertension Day 2014: recognize blood pressure in good time


The motto of this year's World Hypertension Day is „Hypertension - recognize and treat“. With the action day, the organizers want to point out how important the early detection of blood pressure is. Because in most cases, too high blood pressure makes almost no complaints. Only when complications such as a heart attack, stroke or eye disease occur, the doctor diagnosed hypertension. In order to prevent consequential damage, various initiatives provide information on early detection with numerous national events.

Doctors and members of the German Hypertension League e.V. DHL® - German Society for Hypertension and Prevention inform about hypertension on World Hypertension Day 2014, give lectures and measure the values ​​of the visitors.

According to estimates and studies, about 20 to 30 million people in Germany suffer from hypertension. But only every second person affected knows about the high blood pressure. And who knows, can not always treat. Only 50 percent of those knowledgeable can be actively treated by a doctor. But the consequences can be fatal. Not infrequently, hypertension permanently leads to cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Germany. According to doctors, high blood pressure is responsible for 54 percent of all strokes and 47 percent of all coronary heart disease. Every year, around nine million people around the world die of high blood pressure. „Early detection and therapy are therefore very important“, remind the organizers. For this reason, the blood pressure is also measured at the events. And it is not unusual for people to wonder how high their blood pressure is.

Values ​​starting from 140/90 too high
„Hypertension is the creeping death“, say also medics. But that need not be. Because the high blood pressure was recognized in time, this can still be treated well. Thus, consequential damage can be well prevented. Sometimes it is enough if the affected person changes their way of life. This includes inserting a low-salt and low-cholesterol diet, walking or swimming regularly, losing weight if overweight and quitting smoking. Basically, the target values ​​are determined by the doctor. Ideal values ​​are below 120 to 80. Values ​​over 140 to 90 are considered to be too high according to WHO. Already a slight reduction of 5mmHg can prevent later damage. „According to the DEGS1 study, the risk of stroke can be reduced by up to 14 percent and the risk of heart attack by up to 9 percent.“

People of all ages should know their blood pressure values ​​and take regular measurements. Alternatively, the blood pressure can also be measured at the family doctor or in a pharmacy. Doctors recommend measuring the blood pressure more often. Because only when several times too high a result, can be assumed that hypertension. The doctor will then initiate a long-term measurement. For this purpose, patients get a small device attached to the body. Over 24 hours is then measured.

Measuring instruments only with test seal
The German high pressure league e.V. tests devices for domestic use. If the blood pressure measuring devices are suitable, a test seal will be awarded. Only such devices should be used to ensure correct measurement. Following this, the value with time and date should be noted after each measurement. These can then be submitted to the doctor for evaluation. (Sb)

Image: Dieter Schütz / Pixelio