Better to diagnose and treat hypertension early

Better to diagnose and treat hypertension early / Health News
Risk Factor Hypertension: Even many younger people are affected
Almost every third German suffers from hypertension. But many do not know anything about it. Often, hypertension is dismissed as an "old age disease," but many younger people too high blood pressure. Untreated high blood pressure can be serious and lead to deadly diseases.

Hypertension is not an "old age disease"
According to the German Hypertension League (DHL), about 20 to 30 million people in Germany suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Although nearly every third person is affected, many think that hypertension is an "old age disease". But this assumption is wrong. As the experts report on the occasion of the hypertension day, it is the older people in particular who are affected, but younger people are also increasingly affected. In particular, young men often do not know about their high blood pressure levels and can also be treated less often. Untreated high blood pressure is still one of the biggest health risks in the Western world. He is the number one risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is responsible for many deaths from myocardial infarction or stroke.

About 20 to 30 million people in Germany are affected by hypertension. Many of them do not know about it. If hypertension remains untreated, life-threatening sequelae threaten. (Image: Dan Race /

Many women do not know about the danger
Men up to the age of 45 develop high blood pressure, but after the age of 50 the number of affected women increases significantly. Menopausal women are often more prone to hypertension. This was pointed out by DHL on the occasion of the "World Hypertension Day 2016", which this year takes place under the motto "Blood pressure in motion". By the age of 70 at the latest, women have overtaken the men. However, according to the experts, too few women still know about this danger, even though they tend to be healthier than men and more likely to go to the doctor.

120 instead of 140 as a new blood pressure target
Hypertension is considered to be several times higher than 140/90 mmHg. The informative value of regularly measured blood pressure values, however, is higher, according to experts. They are usually around the five mmHg systolic (upper value) and diastolic (lower value) less than the doctor, because then the "white coat effect" is eliminated. It has been controversial for years on which values ​​hypertensives should be best adjusted by medication. According to some experts, 120 instead of 140 should be the new blood pressure target.

25% reduction in heart attack risk
In the so-called SPRINT study, more than 9,300 blood pressure patients in the USA were half-adjusted to very low values ​​below 120 mmHg systolic. The subjects were high-risk patients with already diagnosed cardiovascular disease. In the study's intensive therapy group, a 25% reduction in the risk of heart attack, stroke, chronic heart failure or death from cardiovascular disease had been observed. There were also 38 percent fewer cases of chronic heart failure, 43 percent fewer cardiovascular deaths and a 27 percent decrease in overall mortality. However, more side effects such as increased renal dysfunction and episodes of excessively low blood pressure were also observed. Patients should therefore be closely monitored during such intensive therapy. But for high-risk patients, such an approach should offer benefits, the researchers reported.

Hypertension can often be treated without medication
In many cases hypertension can be treated without medication. In addition to a healthy, varied diet with low fat, sugar and salt, here is mainly to call regular exercise. Alcohol consumption should be reduced and smoking ceased. Obesity is also to be avoided. In addition, stress relief exercises such as yoga or autogenic training can be very effective and have a positive effect on high blood pressure levels. Some home remedies for hypertension can provide good support. For example, Kneipp's applications such as a rising bracelet have proved their worth. For this, fill the sink with 35 degrees warm water and bathe your forearms in it. Within fifteen minutes, the temperature should rise to 39 degrees. (Ad)