Lower blood lipid levels with garlic

Lower blood lipid levels with garlic / Health News
Risk prevention: There are alternatives for correcting blood lipids
Increased lipid levels, along with high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking, are among the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. That's why around 4.5 million Germans take lipid-lowering drugs every day for prevention, according to the "Arzneimittelverordnungsreport". The medicines are effective, but not without unwanted side effects. Natural medicine, on the other hand, offers effective alternatives without at the same time causing new problems.

Garlic as a natural reducer of blood lipids. (Photo: atoss-fotolia)

"Most patients with high blood lipid levels have become ill due to unhealthy lifestyle habits," says Prof. Dr. med. med. Olaf Adam, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Committee Natural Medicine Research: "It is therefore not a good solution, if the people are prescribed drugs instead of a healthy diet and a reasonable weight regulation". He therefore pleads in favor of a change in diet: "It would be a sensible measure to consume less animal fats, to eat more fish and more vegetable fats".

A herbal alternative to lowering blood lipids are drugs that contain preparations of omega-3 fatty acids or garlic. With regard to their effect in lipid lowering, placebo-controlled double-blind studies have also been carried out with certain garlic preparations. For prophylaxis, Prof. Adam also recommends increased consumption of fresh garlic.

However, the well-studied garlic preparations from the pharmacy have the advantage over the fresh tuber that they contain a constant amount of active ingredients, while the active ingredient content of fresh garlic varies greatly, and that they remain largely odorless even at high doses.

The most important measure for the lowering of the blood lipids, admonishes Prof. Adam, is however always the fight of the overweight. A reasonable body weight and diet not only lower blood lipids and blood pressure, but have many more beneficial health effects. (Pm)