Bruising, warts or even skin cancer Cancer of the foot is usually misjudged

Bruising, warts or even skin cancer Cancer of the foot is usually misjudged / Health News
Common misdiagnoses: Unknown cancer of the foot
In many cases, "black" skin cancer (melanoma) is detected too late on the foot. This cancer is often confused with a wound or with a diabetic foot syndrome, a bruise or a wart. A delayed diagnosis also worsens the chances of recovery for those affected.

Black skin cancer is often detected too late
Recently, the case of a young British woman on social networks caused a stir. More than 100,000 times her appeal was shared, in which she pointed out, among other things, to take seriously discoloration of nails and medical examination, because skin cancer may look like nail fungus. She was not diagnosed with this cancer soon enough and had to have her parts amputated. Also on the foot "black skin cancer" (malignant melanoma) is recognized too late in many cases. This cancer is often confused with a wound, sometimes with a diabetic foot syndrome, a bruise or a wart.

Skin cancer is often not recognized. Image: Miriam Dörr - fotolia

Data evaluated by those affected
As the "Informationsdienst Wissenschaft" (idw) reported, Dr. Ing. Wiebke Sondermann from the Department of Dermatology of the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) at the University Hospital Essen (UK Essen) found that black skin cancer on the feet is often recognized too late. The employee of the working group of Prof. Dr. Ing. Joachim Dissemond collected data from more than one hundred people who had been treated at the Essen Clinic between 2002 and 2013.

Skin cancer is usually "considered a wound" It was one of the largest groups of patients worldwide with this disease. Her research was awarded a few months ago as the best scientific work with the German Wound Award 2015. Wiebke Sondermann explained: "30 percent of the patients initially received a misdiagnosis. Mostly the black skin cancer on the feet was considered a wound. The others were u.a. diagnosed with diabetic foot syndrome or even hematomas and warts. A delayed diagnosis with a later start of treatment usually also means a worse prognosis for the patient. "

UV index is said in weather reports
Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in Germany. Up to 200,000 people fall ill each year, with over 20,000 diagnoses of dangerous "black" skin cancer. Recently, the German Cancer Aid called for in the fight against skin cancer, the UV index should be included in weather reports. Higher levels of UV radiation increase the risk of sunburn, which in turn increases the risk of skin cancer. (Ad)