Antihypertensives and others These medicines can cause constipation

Antihypertensives and others These medicines can cause constipation / Health News
Even medications can lead to constipation
Every human being sometimes has digestive problems. For example, the change to travel or extensive feasts can quickly lead to constipation. But even taking certain medications can cause constipation. In such cases, it can sometimes help to switch to another medicine.

Numerous causes of constipation
The fact that the intestine is out of balance, is not uncommon for many people. A consequence of this can be constipation. The causes are many. Thus, the digestion can be adversely affected, among other things, by stress, or by a low-fiber diet, by lack of exercise or by diseases such as diabetes mellitus or hypofunction of the thyroid (hypothyroidism). What many do not know: Even medicines can cause constipation.

Almost every person suffers from constipation from time to time. What many do not know: The complaints can also be triggered by medication. Often it then helps to switch to another drug. (Image: Igor Mojzes /

The intestine becomes sluggish with age
As the colon often becomes sluggish with age, many older people are sometimes constipated.

However, if this happens very often and the symptoms persist for a long time, it can also be due to the use of certain medications, as explained in the magazine "Seniors" (Issue 5/2017).

Therefore, for example, opiates are often combined with laxatives. If the cause of constipation is due to an antihypertensive or antidepressant medication, patients should consult their doctor and, if necessary, switch to another drug.

Natural aids against constipation
But if the symptoms are not caused by drugs or a disease, simple home remedies for constipation can usually help.

As a rule, it is recommended to move regularly, to always drink enough liquid and above all to eat high-fiber diets.

Foods that contain a lot of fiber include wholegrain grain products such as wholemeal bread, cereal flakes, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice, as well as vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The fibrous connections are not only good for stimulating digestion, but also ideal satiety and reduce the risk of obesity or obesity and high blood pressure.

In addition, sour milk products such as yoghurt, buttermilk or concentrated milk have a positive influence on the intestinal health. And psyllium also help with chronic constipation. (Ad)