Hypotension & Co Some medicines make our skin more sensitive to the sun

Hypotension & Co Some medicines make our skin more sensitive to the sun / Health News

Important sun protection: Some medications make our skin more sensitive

Headache, dizziness, rash: The potential side effects of medicines are manifold. Some medications can also make you sensitive to light and cause sunburn. Who takes appropriate means, should therefore pay attention to a particularly intensive sunscreen.

Increased photosensitivity of the skin

With the current summer temperatures, there is hardly any in the apartment. Anyone staying outside during the hot days should definitely remember to protect their skin. This is especially true for people who take certain medicines. Because some preparations can increase the photosensitivity of the skin. Possible result: redness, blisters, pigmentation or sunburn.

Some medications can increase the photosensitivity of the skin. Patients taking the appropriate preparations should therefore be sure to ensure adequate sun protection. (Image: Maridav / fotolia.com)

Phototoxic reactions

When the skin is exposed to UVA rays, a so-called phototoxic reaction develops in interaction with certain ingredients of certain medications.

According to experts, the symptoms of a phototoxic reaction range from redness and burning pains to severe burns.

For this effect are known, inter alia, some antibiotics, analgesics, antidiabetic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, rheumatic drugs and medicines for epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases or malaria.

As explained by the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations in its journal "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte" (May 15, 2018 issue), drugs containing the water-draining drug hydrochlorothiazide are among the most common triggers for these skin reactions.

Although they increase the photosensitivity only moderately, but they are prescribed very often.

As a rule, the instructions on the package leaflet contain information that should be followed.

Ensure adequate sun protection

Those who take the appropriate medication and which of the reactions described in itself, should inform his doctor.

In some cases it is possible to take the drug in the evening. Sometimes alternative means are available that do not sensitize to the sun.

Affected persons should generally pay attention to adequate sun protection. It should always be based on the UV index.

It should also be noted that sand and water reflect the dangerous ultraviolet radiation and therefore a higher level of protection is required on the beach.

Ideally, the sun is shunned completely at lunchtime.

Important to know: The UV-A radiation also penetrates through glass. Therefore, caution is also required during summer driving. (Ad)