Lowering blood pressure How much salt is absorbed has significant influence

Lowering blood pressure How much salt is absorbed has significant influence / Health News

Can salad and fruit balance too much salt in the diet?

Researchers have now found that over-consumption of salt leads to harmful health effects that can not be offset by an otherwise healthy diet. It does not help to consume a lot of healthy foods when too much salt is consumed at the same time. The negative effects on blood pressure are not reduced by a healthy diet.

Researchers at Imperial College London found in their study that the effects of excessive salt intake on human blood pressure can not be reduced by otherwise eating healthy people. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Hypertension".

Dietary guidelines advise against high salt intake. Unfortunately, most people still take too much salt. This can cause hypertension and in this way lead to heart disease and strokes. (Image: HandmadePictures / fotolia.com)

Salt raises blood pressure

Doctors have warned many times that people should not eat too much salt to avoid negative effects on their health. On the other hand, we need the mineral to prevent various deficiencies. In other words, too much salt damages your health, but too little salt also has negative effects. It is known that high salt intake increases the blood pressure. Too high a blood pressure then leads to various dangerous cardiovascular diseases and may even trigger a stroke.

How much salt should people eat each day??

Recommendations of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) suggest that adults should eat a maximum of six grams of salt per day. On average, however, adults absorb far more than the recommended amount.

4,680 subjects were examined for the study

In their study, the experts examined the diets of a total of 4,680 men and women from China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States by analyzing data from the International Study of Macro / Micronutrients and Blood Pressure (INTERMAP) study. The subjects were between 40 and 59 years old. Between 1997 and 1999, all participants were medically monitored for four days. Each of the subjects examined provided two urine samples during the study. In addition, size, weight and blood pressure were taken into account, explain the scientists.

Sodium and potassium were measured

The team then analyzed the levels of sodium and potassium in the urine samples and noted at the same time the nutrients that each of the participants consumed. Of particular interest were nutrients associated with low blood pressure, such as vitamin C, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, most of which are found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. But these foods can naturally lower blood pressure if people ingest too much salt daily?

What was the average salt intake??

Analysis of the amount of sodium in the urine samples gave the researchers an accurate indication of individual salt intake. Sodium is a major component of table salt and results in increased blood pressure. The potassium level also recorded is associated with low blood pressure. For example, potassium occurs in higher amounts in green vegetables. The team found that the average salt intake of adults in each of the regions considered was well above the recommended daily amount. The average salt intake for participants was 8.5 g for UK residents, 9.6 g for US people, 13.4 g for Chinese people, and 11.7 g for Japanese subjects.

Hypertension is a global threat

The researchers found a strong link between higher salt intake and high blood pressure, even among participants who had high levels of potassium in the urine and a healthy diet. There is currently a true global epidemic of hypertension associated with high salt intake, explains study author Dr. Queenie Chan from the School of Public Health at Imperial College London. There are no ways to reduce blood pressure through a healthy diet, if sufferers take too much salt. A low-salt diet is the key to avoid high blood pressure, adds the expert.

Further research is needed

Since a large amount of the salt in our diet comes from processed foods, food manufacturers should take action to reduce the salt in their products. Although the research team concludes that a healthy diet can not offset the harmful effects of high salt intake, more research is needed to get more accurate results. (As)