Measuring blood pressure The decisive factor is the second blood pressure reading!

Measuring blood pressure The decisive factor is the second blood pressure reading! / Health News

Hypertension: Take the second reading seriously

Millions of people in Germany suffer from hypertension. Hypertension can lead to serious illnesses such as stroke, heart or kidney failure. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know their blood pressure levels and, if necessary, to counteract elevated blood pressure. But it is important to know how best to determine the values.

Many sufferers know nothing about their high blood pressure

According to health experts, almost every third adult in Germany suffers from hypertension. Many do not suspect their hypertension. This can have dangerous consequences, because untreated hypertension increases the risk, among other things for heart attack, stroke, heart failure, diseases of the coronary arteries and kidney failure. So it's clear that you should better diagnose and treat hypertension early. Therefore, people of all ages should know their blood pressure values. An expert explains how best to determine the values.

Everybody should know his blood pressure values ​​in order to be able to counteract hypertension if necessary. An expert explains how the values ​​are best determined. (Image: Kurhan /

Single blood pressure measurement has only a small value

High blood pressure can lead to serious illnesses such as stroke, heart or kidney failure.

"Cardiovascular diseases are still the number one cause of death," said Prof. Dr. med. med. Martin Middeke from the Hypertension Center Munich at the pharmacon, the international advanced training congress of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, in a statement of the ABDA - Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations e. V ...

"That's why it's important for everyone to know their values ​​and treat high blood pressure," says the expert.

For the internist, a single blood pressure measurement has only a low value - neither in the doctor's office nor in the pharmacy.

For example, it is known that too high values ​​are measured in medical practices ("white coat effect")..

On the other hand, especially in middle-aged men, blood pressure may increase during working hours but may be normal in the doctor's office. This is called masked hypertension.

According to the ABDA, this phenomenon is associated with a high risk.

First come to rest

Prof. Dr. Middeke recommends the following procedure for a measurement: First, the patient should come to rest physically, mentally and emotionally. Then the blood pressure is measured for the first time.

If the value is increased, a second or a third measurement should be taken after one to two minutes and relaxation.

According to the information, the so-called deep breathing is the simplest and most effective form of relaxation. It is injected deep and slowly through the nose and exhaled deeply and slowly through the mouth.

As a result, an elevated blood pressure drops quickly in a natural way.

How high are the values??

But how high should the blood pressure be??

As stated in the ABDA, hypertension is present when blood pressure levels are 140 to 90 or higher; in people over 80 years over 160 to 90.

Blood pressure values ​​are - with a few exceptions for patients with comorbidities - not treated with medication.

Optimally, the blood pressure is below 120 to 80. "But that does not mean that blood pressure from drugs has to be lowered so low," says Middeke.

"On the contrary, that would not be healthy for many patients. A reduction below 140 to 90 is often enough. Especially in patients between the ages of 65 and 80, the doctor has a great deal of discretion in the treatment goals, "explained the expert.

Treat hypertension naturally

In hypertension are often used fast blood pressure. But in many cases, the blood pressure can be lowered even without pills.

Above all, it is important to move regularly, to reduce possible overweight and to refrain from cigarettes and high alcohol consumption.

In addition, it has long been known that some home remedies and a balanced, healthy diet can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Very important here is: salt only in moderation. A high salt diet can increase blood pressure. Not more than four to six grams of salt should be consumed per day. In addition, the menu should generally contain a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Take medication early in the morning

If medicines are necessary, Prof. Middeke taking in the early morning.

"Best in the morning on the edge of the bed the hypotension swallow, not only for breakfast. The sooner the medicine is taken, the sooner it can work ", says the physician.

"During an evening intake, the blood pressure in the night is sometimes lowered too much, and then the body reacts with an unwanted countermeasure."

According to the experts, the evening intake is only necessary if the blood pressure during sleep (!) Does not decrease - measured by ambulatory long-term measurement. (Ad)