Blood pressure Menopausal women are often more prone to hypertension

Blood pressure Menopausal women are often more prone to hypertension / Health News
Hormonal changes have an adverse effect on blood pressure
Women who get into menopause should pay particular attention to their blood pressure. This is the message of the German Hypertension League (DHL) on the occasion of the "World Hypertension Day 2016", which runs this year under the motto "blood pressure in motion". Because of the hormonal change, the level of the male hormone testosterone increases during menopause, which has an unfavorable effect on blood pressure. More than half of the women are therefore affected by hypertension during menopause. To avoid health risks, the blood pressure should be measured regularly and the values ​​should be discussed with the doctor.

Almost every third person has elevated values
About 20 to 30 million people have high blood pressure (hypertension) in Germany, according to the German Hypertension League (DHL). This is the case if the measurement repeatedly gives the physician values ​​in excess of 140/90 mmHg. Contrary to popular belief, this is by no means a typical "old-age disease". Because even if older people are particularly affected, the meter also displays higher values ​​for more and more younger people. Because hypertension does not produce any specific symptoms, it is often discovered at an advanced stage and then needs to be treated frequently with medication. If left untreated, threatening - no matter what the age - serious damage to health, because hypertension is still considered the most significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease and can thus cause a heart attack or stroke.

Menopausal women should check their blood pressure regularly. (Image: jd-photodesign /

Women over the age of 70 are more affected than men
According to DHL, a clear pattern can be seen with regard to the frequency of hypertension by age and gender: men predominate until the age of 45, but after the age of 50, more and more women are affected, until the men at the latest 70 years have even overtaken. The reason for the growing number of female patients with increasing age is the hormonal changes during menopause. Because during menopause, the level of the blood pressure-lowering female sex hormone estrogen decreases. At the same time, the level of the male hormone testosterone increases, which has a negative effect on blood pressure and increases the risk of hypertension. More than half of the women develop high blood pressure during menopause, according to DHL. In addition to psychological stress in connection with this "upheaval" such as fears and negative stress could cause the values ​​to increase, supplement the experts in the high pressure league.

Hypertension usually arises from the interaction of several risk factors
According to DHL, the increase in affected young people is mainly due to the growing number of overweight people. There are also additional burdens such as increasing pressure at school and at the beginning of working life, because high blood pressure is usually the result of an interaction of several risk factors. These include, for example, e.g. Lack of exercise, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Accordingly, a healthy lifestyle can prevent hypertension. And even if it is already in a light form (i.e., below 160/90 mmHg), it is possible to "normalize" the body to the point where medication is not needed.

Above all, a healthy, varied diet with little fat and salt as well as moderate training play an important role. In addition, relaxation exercises such as stress reduction, such as Yoga or autogenic training can be very effective and positively influence high blood pressure values. A good support can also offer various home remedies for hypertension. Have proved useful here, for example Kneipp treatments like a rising bracelet. For this fill the sink with 35 ° C warm water and bathe your forearms in it. Within fifteen minutes, the temperature should rise to 39 ° C. (No)