Pollen as a natural superfood? Nutritionists remain skeptical

Pollen as a natural superfood? Nutritionists remain skeptical / Health News

Are bee pollen really useful as a dietary supplement?

Bee pollen contains not only vitamins and minerals but many other valuable ingredients that can protect both the bee colony and humans from disease. Consumer advocates, however, are skeptical. There is no scientific evidence for the positive effect. Some people should basically do without bee pollen.

Bees provide beneficial substances

Bees supply various substances that have long been used to treat patients. Healing with home remedies Honey is widely used. For example, it is used in warm milk as a natural remedy for coughing. Even the poison of the bee is attributed a positive effect. In traditional Chinese medicine, bee sting therapy is used as a remedy for various diseases such as arthritis. And bee pollen should also serve human health. Consumer advocates from Italy, however, are skeptical.

Bees supply various substances that serve human health, including bee pollen. However, there is no scientific evidence for the positive effects, my consumer advocates. (Image: shaiith / fotolia.com)

Popular dietary supplement

As the Consumer Center South Tyrol explains on its website, bees collect not only flower nectar but also pollen (pollen) in order to optimally supply their brood with nutrients.

In small amounts, pollen is also contained in honey. In order to harvest pollen as a separate product, beekeepers and beekeepers at the entrance to the hive apply pollen traps, where the bees strip off part of the collected pollen.

Since the pollen grains are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes and also contain health-promoting phytochemicals, they are extremely popular as dietary supplements.

They are designed to strengthen the bones and immune system, protect the cardiovascular system, fend off free radicals, stimulate digestion and help with stress, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

Not scientifically proven

However, these effects have not yet been scientifically proven. In addition, two teaspoons of pollen daily - this corresponds to the recommended intake - too little to absorb a really significant amount of nutrients.

As the consumer center writes, one theoretically would have to eat about half a kilo of bee pollen to cover the daily requirement for certain vitamins, for example vitamin B6.

People who suffer from pollen allergy or allergic to bee stings should refrain from taking bee pollen or take it only after consulting with their doctor.

Because pollen can be shown to cause allergic reactions, from a swelling of the oral mucosa to anaphylactic shock. People who take anticoagulants after a stroke are also advised against consuming pollen. (Ad)