Revive lightning victims immediately

Revive lightning victims immediately / Health News

If a person is struck by lightning, an immediate revival must be initiated


These days it is raining in almost all regions of Germany. It sometimes comes to heavy storms with thunder and lightning. Not infrequently people are surprised by the storm and in some cases passers-by are also struck by lightning. Then it is time to provide immediate first aid.

If a person is struck by lightning and loses his consciousness by lightning, an immediate resuscitation can save the life of the victim. However, the revival must be initiated as soon as possible.

Immediately start resuscitation
According to Prof. Peter Sefrin, medical doctor of the German Red Cross in Berlin, the revival must occur in the first five minutes after the lightning strike. Unlike other electrical accidents, there is no health hazard for the helper immediately after impact. „With an unconscious flash victim, you can not go wrong, you can only win“, explains the doctor.

As a first measure, the pulse and breathing of the patient should be checked. Following the doctor's instructions, mouth-to-mouth or chest compressions should be started immediately. Thereafter, other passersby should be urged to contact the rescue service. If there is no second helper on site, you should call me. If there is any uncertainty, the emergency call center can also provide instructions.

In order to restore the heartbeat, the helper should press the breastbone of the unconscious with the palm about five to six inches deep. That should happen about 100 to 120 times per minute.

Consequences of the lightning strike very different
Everyone reacts differently to a lightning strike. The consequences on the body can therefore be very different. It also depends on the force you hit. In some cases, the blow causes minor burns. The affected skin regions should be briefly doused with water and then covered with a burn wound cloth, explained Sefrin. „Resuscitation measures, however, always occur“, as the physician emphasized. (Sb)

Image: Falk Blümel