Bluetongue disease Farmers have animals vaccinated

Bluetongue disease Farmers have animals vaccinated / Health News
No cases of bluetongue: Farmers still have animals vaccinated
After repeated outbreaks of bluetongue disease for sheep and cattle in other European countries, many farmers in Germany have their animals vaccinated. And that, although there are no cases of viral disease in this country. For humans, the causative agent of the disease is not dangerous.

Several outbreaks of bluetongue disease
In recent years there have been repeated outbreaks of bluetongue in various European countries. Since summer 2015, new outbreaks have been reported in Romania, Montenegro, Croatia and Hungary. In autumn, cases occurred in Austria and Slovenia, and in early 2016 also in France. According to a website of the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Laves), the current outbreaks (as of 26.07.2016) are about 200 to 250 kilometers from the German border. Nevertheless, farmers in several federal states have their animals vaccinated.

The bluetongue can be dangerous especially for sheep. Although there are currently no cases of illness in Germany, many farmers have their animals vaccinated. (Image: cmnaumann /

"No bluetongue in Germany"
Peter Heimberg, Head of the Animal Health Service of the Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine-Westphalia, said that this is happening mainly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, as they border on France and Austria, where bluetongue has occurred. And in his state, there are such vaccinations. "But we still do not have bluetongue in Germany," said the veterinarian.

Harmless to humans
Bluetongue is a virus-related animal disease that often ends in death, especially for sheep. It also affects cattle and goats. The virus is transmitted by certain mosquitoes, the so-called biting midges. According to experts, meat and milk of infected animals can be consumed without hesitation. "The causative agent of bluetongue is not dangerous for humans," writes the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI), Federal Research Institute for Animal Health.

Vaccinations on a larger scale
That vaccinations are currently taking place on a larger scale in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, also confirmed Franz Weyermann of the Rhenish Agriculture Association in Bonn. According to dpa, he said: "If there were cases of bluetongue, then it will certainly give a stronger vaccine readiness in other states." According to the information sick animals suffer from fever, foamy salivation, ulcers on the claws or internal bleeding. Mouth area and tongue turn blue red. It is said that the death rate in sheep is between ten and 80 percent, depending on the breed and the virus.

Last new infection in 2009
"Since the first appearance of the bluetongue disease in August 2006, the disease caused significant economic damage, especially in the first two years in cattle and flock herds," says Laves Niedersachsen. However, the number of new cases could be significantly reduced, so that the last new infection in Germany in November 2009 was detected. (Ad)