Blue light pulses against psoriasis

Blue light pulses against psoriasis / Health News

Blue light pulses in psoriasis: Photochemical process to gently soothe complaints


Arguable looks, feelings of shame, lack of self-confidence - the suffering of the disease psoriasis is enormous. But that's not all: if it hits, it will be forever. Because the so-called psoriasis is considered to be incurable. Tormenting itching, inflamed, reddened and sore skin all over the body and the embarrassing traces of rapid cell growth in the form of silvery dandruff - usually perceived as the most unpleasant symptom - make a carefree life often impossible. With the pulsed blue light therapy, however, the complaints can usually be effectively and sustainably controlled without having to fear harmful side effects.

„The laser-like light sets in motion a photochemical process that regulates pathologically accelerated cell renewal and reduces inflammation,“ explains Dr. Marcella Kollmann-Hemmerich, specialist in dermatology at the Lichtklinik München, the principle of pulsed blue light therapy. Compared to other standard therapies, however, the special light only affects the diseased cells and protects the healthy tissue. In most cases, the appearance of the skin improves significantly after only one or three treatment cycles. The skin comes back into balance, itching and peeling after. „Many patients report that the positive effects of blue flashes persist for many months or even years, significantly improving their quality of life,“ knows Dr. Kollmann-Hemmerich. No more permanent creaming, no fear of the cancer risk of UV radiation or the adverse effects of sustained cortisone use. More and more people are therefore relying on the new treatment as an alternative to conventional forms of therapy.

„Our experience shows that the pulsed blue light therapy is especially helpful in inflammatory and allergic skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis and eczema,“ reports Kollmann-Hemmerich. Even with psoriasis pustulosa - a special form of psoriasis, which is accompanied by pustules and painful cracks on the hands and feet - we achieve good results.“ Private and some statutory health funds grant treatment, especially in severe cases or in the presence of contraindications for other conventional medical measures. Otherwise, a therapy unit costs about 180 euros. (Pm)

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