Blue algae - An effective natural skin saver

Looking at the skin, our shell and interface with the outside world, once closer, there are a variety of different problem areas. Here you can try with countless care products and active ingredients to provide relief for various skin conditions. A relatively new approach is the use of active ingredients from the blue-green algae Spirulina platensis to provide healthy and beautiful skin.
The skin researcher and dermatologist Professor Kristian Reich (Dermatologikum, Hamburg) explains how personal hygiene with algae products makes sense for us. The "Beauty - Doc" med. Timo Spanholtz (Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Praxisklinik am Rosengarten, Cologne) adds what contribution the active ingredient of blue-green algae can make in the field of scar care, skin rejuvenation and tattoo care.

Healthy and beautiful with the blue-green algae
For 3.6 billion years, the microalgae Spirulina platensis is native to our planet and thereby a true survivor. Her fight against bacteria, fungi and viruses as well as dealing with extreme climatic fluctuations over billions of years has shaped her. "The sheer unimaginable number of years that Spirulina platensis already exists on Earth suggests what highly effective and effective defense mechanisms this microalgae has developed. This can produce substances that convey a kind of proprietary cell protection and an accelerated cell regeneration, "emphasizes Prof. Reich.
But where is the natural protective effect of Spirulina platensis used in skin care? UV rays are cell damaging and cause the skin to age prematurely. The regenerative properties in the form of cell protection and repair counteract these harmful influences and help the skin to protect itself from premature aging. Bacteria, fungi and viruses are strongly inhibited by products containing the patented active ingredient Spiralin®. This is even true for such germs that are resistant to conventional drugs. "New data show that the extract also contains substances that protects human horny cells from infection by herpes viruses and a cream containing Spiralin® prophylactic against cold sores," reports Prof. Reich.
The active ingredient from the microalgae
Spirulina platensis is also used in a special shampoo against irritated and itchy scalp. Germs that can trigger itching are suppressed and the regeneration processes of the scalp are supported. A face mask is used for the natural and gentle removal of superfluous dandruff as well as pore reduction without disturbing the natural protection of the skin. For daily care for those who have problems with dry skin on the hands and feet or on the body, or who get pimples after shaving, it gives the active ingredient in a light gel and in a retracting foam. Even in the treatment of wart-sensitive skin or nail infections, the active ingredient in practice shows amazing effects. Corresponding care series with the blue-green active substance were developed "specifically for the problem skin and represent a novel treatment principle, which combines a sustained improvement in cell activity, ie the regeneration of the skin, with highly efficient protection against microbial influences," summarizes Prof. Reich.
The alga as a miracle healer?
Scars are unpleasant memories of events that you would not normally want to remember for a lifetime. A special and high-quality scar care with blue algae extract promises relief. "In the beginning, our patients' desire was for no visible scars after aesthetic surgery such as breast augmentation, facelifts, breast and abdominoplasty. An aesthetic body naturally requires a flawless skin. This has been the goal of our years of research into the perfect recipe for optimal scar care from the beginning. " Spanholtz. The process of scar healing is tedious and sometimes very stressful for those affected. Often the healing of the wounds is still the focus of postoperative treatment, but the care and treatment of the scars is unfortunately often too short. The scar treatment products with the blue-green active ingredient (Scarcare®) offer a new innovative approach here.
Scar healing is more likely to be termed "maturation" than "healing," explains Dr. Spanholtz. After a long process, the scar conforms more and more to the normal surrounding tissue. "The right care is crucial for the result," Dr. Spanholtz on. The expert recommends to start early with the care of the scar and to support the scar tissue in the healing targeted and consistent with meaningful measures. So you should combine the massaging of the scar directly with the right scar care. It is essential that the affected area be protected from harmful UV radiation. "This plays an elementary role in scar care. Use a UV Blocker to avoid unsightly pigmentation of the affected area, or work directly with a scar care that has built-in UV protection, advises Dr. Spanholtz.
Also, the treatment of older scars, such as acne scars on the face, windpox scars, coarse pores of the skin or old scars on the body. Spanholtz prescribed. "Together with leading medical device manufacturers, a more active treatment concept for complex skin changes has been developed," Dr. Spanholtz. A combination of blue-green active ingredients with so-called "invasive medical needling" also provides a clear improvement in the findings. "Old scars are smoothed out and sometimes disappear completely. Pores are flattened and refined, the skin gets a much younger look, "explains Dr. Spanholtz, who sees himself as a specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery challenged daily with such issues.

In addition to the postoperative treatment of scars, there is another segment in which a quick healing and care can be ensured by the recipe with the blue-green algae: the tattoo care. "From a medical point of view, the tattoo is a large wound!" Spanholtz ... With up to 8000 stitches per minute color is brought under the skin with a needle. The resulting small wounds must heal, and it is important "in the time after tattooing with a special drug care, such as. the care series proTAC®, to support this process. Spanholtz.
Avoiding itchy crusting and fast healing are top priorities in tattooing. But the preservation of color fastness also plays an important role. "One can divide the process of healing a tattoo into three phases. In the first phase, the skin should be prepared for the upcoming procedure, thus supporting healing in advance. The second phase starts right after the tattoo is struck. Here crust formation should be avoided at all costs and the color pigments should be specifically protected and not damaged by the wrong care. The third phase is to be understood as long-term care, says Spanholtz. "If you want to preserve the color intensity of the motif, protection against harmful UV radiation is of fundamental importance," explains the expert. Those who enjoy having their tattoos for a long time and who would like to be proud of their own body art are well advised to support the healing and preservation of the colors right from the beginning with the right care. (Pm)