Bladder cancer Black Forest clinic Actress Heidelinde Weis suffers from bladder cancer

Bladder cancer Black Forest clinic Actress Heidelinde Weis suffers from bladder cancer / Health News
"Schwarzwaldklinik" actress Heidelinde Weis suffers from bladder cancer
The Austrian actress Heidelinde Weis is suffering from bladder cancer. According to doctors, it is an "aggressive big tumor". The 75-year-old, who is known to the public above all from her role in the "Black Forest Clinic", is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

TV star Heidelinde Weis has bladder cancer
The actress Heidelinde Weis is already suffering for the third time in cancer according to media reports. As reported by "", the 75-year-old Austrian is suffering from bladder cancer. According to the newspaper, the TV star, known above all for his role in the "Black Forest Clinic", said: "Suddenly, I had severe low back pain." After they did not disappear after therapy, she was referred to urology. "The professor said it is an aggressive large tumor that would not be so operable," explained the actress. Therefore, she is currently undergoing chemotherapy, which is intended to prevent the tumor continues to grow and so an operation in late April is possible.

The actress Heidelinde Weis is suffering from bladder cancer. The TV star has had cancer twice before. (Image: Coloures-pic /

Actress has had cancer twice before
She was diagnosed with anal cancer in 1997 and diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. In addition, she cared for her seriously ill husband for ten years until he died in 1998. "I had to learn to accept things without despairing. That made me grow. I've become more open, relaxed and generous, "said the 75-year-old. After the first three weeks of therapy, Weis said, "I feel good, but I quickly get tired." She also has positive comments: "I'm allowed to eat what and as much as I want. I can not lose weight and have to recharge my batteries for the operation. The chemotherapy does not increase one. "Giving up is for them under no circumstances in question:" I had and have everything you could wish for. So this cancer will be dealt with and I will conquer it. "

Bladder cancer is often diagnosed late
Bladder cancer is usually diagnosed late, because in the early stages often no complaints are noticeable. The main indication is blood in the urine, which can either be seen with the naked eye or detected in the laboratory. In late-stage bladder cancer usually causes pain when urinating because either a urinary retention or a renal congestion occurs. In addition, it comes to pain in the bladder or flank pain. According to health experts, the prospect of recovery depends crucially on the tumor's already existing extent at the start of treatment. According to the German Cancer Society, bladder cancer is one of the more common cancers, with almost 16,000 new cases annually in Germany. Men are affected more than three times as often as women. (Ad)