Bitter tastes taste an indication to psychopaths

Bitter tastes taste an indication to psychopaths / Health News
Penchant for black coffee and dark chocolate in psychopaths
The preference for bitter taste, such as black coffee, dark chocolate or gin and tonic, is associated with increased antisocial characteristics, according to two studies by scientists at the University of Innsbruck. "The results of the two studies confirm the hypothesis that bitter taste preferences correlate positively with malicious personality traits, with a striking relationship to everyday sadism and psychopathy," says the research team around the psychologist Christina Sagioglou in the journal "Appetite".

Those who prefer to drink their coffee black or have a preference for bitter chocolate are increasingly showing signs of dark personality, including Machiavellianism, sadism and narcissism, according to the latest study. If preference is given to sweet, sour and salty flavors no comparable correlations with the characteristics of the characters can be determined, the scientists report. The studies, in their view, provide "new insights into the relationship between personality and the ubiquitous behaviors of eating and drinking." Here, a clear relationship between increased enjoyment of bitter foods and heightened sadistic leanings has been demonstrated.

Bitter taste preferences can be an indication of dark sides of the soul. Image: Sergey Nivens - Fotolia

Relationship between taste preferences and personality traits
In the context of the studies, the researchers examined 953 subjects with a mean age of about 35 years, the connections between certain tastes and personality traits such as Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, everyday sadism and aggression. They found that a preference for bitter foods and drinks had the strongest correlation with personality traits. The individual differences in bitter taste preferences are associated with antisocial personality traits, the researchers report.

Favorite food an indication of the character?
A general liking for bitter taste is, according to the scientists, a reliable predictor of antisocial character traits. Thus, subjects who prefer bitter tastes increasingly indicated that they would tend to manipulate others to achieve their own goals. Also often described themselves as "callous or insensitive". Overall, according to the researchers was clearly a stronger tendency to Machiavellismus, psychopathy, narcissism, everyday adversity and aggression detectable. Why the predilection for bitter taste so clearly correlates with the characteristics, according to the researchers so far unclear. But perhaps our favorite food and drink say much more about our personality than previously thought. (Fp)