Germany's largest health study so far is supposed to alleviate common diseases

Germany's largest health study so far is supposed to alleviate common diseases / Health News

Huge study looks at cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

The dimensions of this study are so far unique for Germany. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) reports on the NAKO health study, which started in 2013 and involves 160,000 women and men. Now begins the next phase of the project, where the number of participants is to be increased to 200,000 people. The study focuses on the major common diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek speaks of an "investment in the health of future generations".

In order not to falsify the informative value of the study, potential participants are randomly identified and contacted. Thus, every citizen has a chance to participate in the study in order to contribute to the improvement of next-generation health. In the next 20 to 30 years the participants will be accompanied medically. Living habits and circumstances such as sport and the professional environment of the volunteers also play a role.

Perhaps you will soon find an invitation to participate in the largest health study in Germany in their mailbox. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

An investment for the future

According to the BMBF, this long-term data on the health development of many people provides completely new insights. The aim of the NAKO Health Study is to better identify risk factors for common diseases, such as heart attack, and to better understand and identify early stages of the disease. The study is designed to help future generations become less likely to become ill.

Live better and healthier

"The commitment of many people is an investment in the health of future generations and an expression of the cohesion of our society," reports Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek in a press release by the BMBF. The lessons learned would help to live healthier and better lives.

Each participant is examined regularly

All participants are between the ages of 20 and 69 years. If they agree to the random selection, they will take part in regular surveys in addition to the interviews in order to obtain meaningful results. At their own request, the subjects can see the results after completion of the investigation.

New findings about dementia

The NAKO study is also intended to provide new insights into dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. In doing so, risk factors and family bias as well as environmental influences and lifestyle, such as alcohol consumption, are to be taken into account. The researchers are hoping for a breakthrough against the previously incurable disease.

Expensive matter

The health study will be funded over the next ten years by the Federal Ministry of Education, the 13 participating federal states and the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers for a total of 256 million euros. The internet presence of the NAKO informs about the current development of the study. (Vb)