So far unrecognized danger of life medic warns against risks by the Kriebelmücke

So far unrecognized danger of life medic warns against risks by the Kriebelmücke / Health News
An allergist and dermatologist from Passau is currently warning against the so-called "Kriebelmücke". If one were stung by this, the consequences for the physician could be "serious to life-threatening", as the mosquito releases blood-thinning and allergenic substances during the bite. The health department, however, classifies the danger far less threatening, reports the "Passauer Neue Presse".

Black-billed mosquitoes bite unnoticed
Black-billed mosquitoes are common, fly-like insects, of which about 50 species are currently known in this country. Unlike mosquitoes, they do not fly into homes, but basically attack outside, especially on warm to muggy and weak-windy days. The approach is noiseless and you do not notice when the mosquito lands on the skin. The mosquitoes do not sting, they bite - because unlike "Stichsaugern" they produce with their sharp mouth tools first a wound, from which they then absorb the blood.

A doctor from Passau draws attention to the possible dangers of a biting midges bite. (Image: corlaffra /

Patients with massive physical reactions
A bite of the Kriebelmücke remains painless at first, but can obviously have bad consequences. The physician Dr. Claus Greetings from Passau has now warned at the city and the health department from the dangers of the Kriebelmücke. As the "Passauer Neue Presse" reports, in recent weeks patients with massive physical reactions to a mosquito attack have visited the practice of the allergist and dermatologist again and again.

The findings were therefore "serious to life-threatening" in the medium term bites could even have fatal consequences, so Gruss. The violent effects would be due to the fact that the gnat mosquito release blood-thinning and allergenic substances.

First only itching occurs
At the beginning, the bitten would hardly notice anything, because apart from itching, initially no complaints were felt. Later, however, bruises that are three to five centimeters in size and swelling, which could even have up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Water retention also causes edema in many patients. "And it all happens regardless of whether you are allergic or not," says the dermatologist.

New subspecies from southeastern Europe could be the cause
Although cortisone with antiseptic may be used for treatment, it may be dangerous for children or patients who have been bitten several times, the doctor warns. From the point of view of the health department, however, the Kriebelmücke is far less threatening. However, those responsible would continue to monitor the situation on the ground to take action if necessary, the newspaper reports.

Although blackflies in Passau are not uncommon, it could be loud greeting that the massive effects of bites this year were due to a newly immigrated or imported mosquito subspecies from southeastern Europe.

What to do in case of a bite?
If there is no severe swelling after the bite, it is usually sufficient to cool the affected area (for example with cold rags or cool packs) and disinfect the area. Important: Despite the intense itching, mosquito bites should never be scratched due to the risk of infection.

If pathogens invade the wound and cause inflammation, severe swelling and fever can occur. If the germs get into the bloodstream, it can lead to sepsis, which in the worst case can lead to serious complications and even death. If the bite site becomes inflamed, a doctor should always be consulted as a precautionary measure. The same applies if stronger swelling or discoloration occurs.

The best protective measures
The simplest and safest home remedy for mosquitoes is long-sleeved clothing, because the blackflies do not have a proboscis they can not pierce their clothes. Those who often spend time outdoors in high-density regions should cover as much skin as possible throughout the day as much as possible. It is recommended that bright, wide clothing made of solid fabric (such as linen).

Help against the plague ghosts also offer repellent with active ingredients such as DEET or Icaridin. Depending on the level of concentration, these last for about four to five hours, then the protection should be renewed. As a rule, no special protective measures are necessary in the apartment, as the flycatcher usually does not fly into the house. (No)