Bioland pesticide levy and fast ban particularly dangerous agricultural poisons demanded

Pesticides have long been recognized as the cause of numerous health problems, but they are still an essential component of industrial agriculture. In recent years, more and more poisons have been sold and used. Experts urge politics to act.
Pesticides threaten health
It has long been known that pesticides harm health. They disturb the hormone balance of the body and can damage the human immune system. Again and again they are found in different foods. For example, last year pesticides were found in children's fruit tea. Pesticides also destroy biodiversity and make many farmers really dependent on chemical companies.
Nevertheless, more and more poisons are sold and land in the fields, reports the Bioland Bundesverband in a press release. Accordingly, last year in Germany, it was 30 percent more than ten years earlier, namely 46,103 tons.

Polluters should be involved in the costs
"The recommendation of the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) to introduce a pesticide levy is fully supported. For example, for the first time the polluter would be involved in the social and environmental costs of using the pesticides, "said Jan Plagge, President of Bioland, on the presentation of the opinion" Introduction of a levy on pesticides in Germany ". This also means hidden costs for environmental damage, species loss, well closures or illness treatments.
So far, they are neither reflected in food prices nor in pesticide prices. While pesticide producers are getting more and more profits, application controls and state backlog analysis need to be paid out of taxpayers' money.
Levy would quickly reduce use of poisons
According to the Hutachtern, pesticide use would be reduced by 20 percent in the short term and 35 percent in the long term due to a pesticide levy. "The approximately one billion euros in revenue from the levy should be used purposefully for agricultural practices that encourage the use of non-chemical research and application techniques," said Plagge, adding, "There is a huge potential for innovation across agriculture, be it through extended crop rotation, methods of mechanical weed control or the application of biological pest control. "Although Bioland considers the report to be an important impetus for a fundamental change in pesticide policy in Germany and Europe, the introduction of a pesticide levy is only one building block. "We need answers to the ever-increasing use of pesticides. Bans on certain pesticides are overdue, "Plagge said.
Species loss and resistant problem weeds
For example, total herbicides such as Roundup from Monsanto with the active ingredient glyphosate, which is applied to 40 percent of German fields and is responsible for a dramatic loss of species, should finally be banned. Only in this way could species loss and resistant problem weeds be avoided. Only recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) cancer research facility had classified glyphosate as a very likely carcinogen. And since April, certain Bayer pesticides may be named Bee Dangerous after a legal dispute.
Politics must support organic farming more
According to the Bioland communication, clothianidin, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid from the group of neonicotinoids - also known as "bee killer" - must be immediately and permanently banned for the protection of the bees. "The pesticide licensing criteria need to be changed so that pesticides no longer have a negative impact on health, biodiversity and water," Plagge said. He further said, "Regulatory bodies are not service providers to the chemical industry, but must serve the common good." In addition, policymakers need to give more support to organic farming as a functioning farming method that does not use synthetic chemical pesticides. The organic farming does not cause any hidden follow-up costs, but stands for more biodiversity, clean drinking water and healthy food. (Ad)