Biochronotherapy no remedy for diabetes

Biochronotherapy in type 1 diabetes is better not a treatment of choice
Biochronotherapy according to the method of Professor Dr. med. Viktor Alexander Borisov promises diabetes patients relief of their disease and mistakenly suggests a possible one „Recovery from chronic diabetes“, so the current of the message of the German Diabetes Society (DDG)
According to its own account, the German Diabetes Society has received a request for the treatment of a 12-year-old girl who has been suffering from insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes for three years. In October 2011, she was admitted to private practice by Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Hans-Peter Graf and Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Viktor Borisov in Baden Baden with a so-called „Biochronotherapie“ was treated. Supposedly, the approximately 30,000 euros expensive treatment for „Recovery from chronic diabetes“ contribute, so the presentation in the medical therapy certificate.
On behalf of the German Diabetes Society, the German Diabetes Aid has now issued a statement on biochronotherapy, which strongly discourages its use and disputes the claim that biochronotherapy is improving or even improving diabetes. There is „no scientifically proven evidence“ for the effect of biochronotherapy, so the postion of the DDG. The German Diabetes Association and German Diabetes Aid therefore advise clinics and patients against it, „to get involved in these treatment offers by Prof. Borisov and coworkers“, so the message of Prof. dr. med. Thomas Danne, CEO of the German Diabetes Aid and chief physician at the Children's Hospital on the Bult in Hanover.
In biochronotherapy according to Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Viktor Borisov is said to use chlorin in a capsule-form photosensitizer „immune correction“ which contributes to the rehabilitation of the immune system and thus alleviates or at best even heals the symptoms of diabetes. However, scientific evidence for the effect of the therapy is not yet available, whereby the success of relatively simple blood glucose measurements, would be easily verifiable. According to Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Danne continues that „Serious alternative therapies for the treatment or even cure of type 1 diabetes“ does not exist - „even if some treatment offers suggest this.“ Thus, lifelong administration of insulin is still the only possible therapy for type 1 diabetics, but it only starts from the symptoms and can not remedy the cause of diabetes. (Fp)