Cheap student food only rarely good

Stiftung Warentest gives bad marks for cheap trail food
Trail mix is a popular snack as the mix of nuts and raisins is delicious and provides plenty of minerals. But according to the Stiftung Warentest, the quality of commercially available mixtures often leaves something to be desired. Accordingly, the foundation had examined 20 products, of which only one was the grade „very well“ received.
Nuts and dried fruit as ideal „Brain Food“
Mixtures of nuts, almonds and dried fruit are considered a healthy and delicious snack. Just as „Brain Food“ is the so-called „nuts and raisins“ Very popular because the minerals, vitamins and trace elements it contains provide the brain with plenty of energy and therefore promote concentration. But here, too, of course, it depends on what exactly in the bag with the inscription „nuts and raisins“ hides. Because as the Stiftung Warentest reports currently, there are clearly marked quality differences among the products on offer.
Only the mixture of Seeberger receives one „very well“
For the current issue of the magazine "test" (issue 09/2014), the foundation examined 20 nut fruit mixtures (including 2 organic products) with regard to sensory evaluation, pollutants, packaging and declaration. The result: Who wants to eat good trail food, should best resort to brand goods. Accordingly, only received the trail mix of the traditional brand „Seeberger“ for about 1.25 euros per 100 grams (without peanuts) the grade „very well“, where the tester to sensory results like „The nut note is strong“ and „Grapes with intense and complex fruitiness“ came. Second place went to the „Trail mix original“ (with peanuts) from „ültje“ (1.15 Euro / 100g) with the grade 2.1. In addition, seven other products received the grade „Well“, including, for example, the student food of Edeka or the „Precious fruit and nut mix“ from Kaufland for 0.65 euros per 100 grams.
„Slightly rancid“ Taste with the product of Netto
Other low-priced brands such as Aldi Nord and Süd, Lidl and Rewe, of which eleven products with „satisfying“ or. „sufficient“ were evaluated. However, according to Sara Waldau of the Stiftung Warentest, the differences are to be found primarily in the area of sensor technology: "We also had nuts with us that tasted old or dull“, so Waldau opposite the „dpa“. At the „Trail mix Classic“ the Netto Marken-Discount was the taste even „slightly rancid“ Despite the good marks for pollutants, packaging and declarations, the testers only consented to this product „Inadequate“ as an endnote.
Nuts consume only in moderation due to the high energy content
Although trail mix is commonly considered healthy, nuts are often used by figure-conscious individuals „fattening foods“ considered and shunned. According to Antje Gahl of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) a mistake: „Although the fat content of nuts is between 40 and 70 percent, depending on the variety“, so the expert, „but they are predominantly valuable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These have a positive effect on the cholesterol level. Frequent consumption also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.“ Nevertheless, nuts should be enjoyed only in moderation due to the high energy content, therefore, according to the foundation, a handful of drinks per day are recommended: „50 grams of trail mix is a good snack for children over 10 years and adults.“ (No)
Bld: Tim Reckmann