Balance sheet 2013 measles cases increased in Germany

Balance sheet 2013 measles cases increased in Germany / Health News

Measles - Balance 2013: Strong spread of viral disease in Germany


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), there were a total of 1775 cases of measles in 2013. For Germany, this represents the strongest wave of illness in seven years. „Heilpraxisnet“ already reported in December 2013 on a germination of measles virus.

For some years now, it has been spreading in Europe after being largely suppressed by vaccines. In the past year, especially in Berlin and Munich, an increased number of cases of the predominantly transmitted by droplet infection disease. Physicians registered almost 1,200 measles cases in both cities. The RKI sees vaccination fatigue and misinformation as one of the main causes of the disease's recurrence. Statistically, the rising measles infection numbers depend on the low vaccination rates in children and adolescents.

Two vaccinations recommended
The „Permanent Vaccination Commission“ (Stiko) recommends the first measles vaccine, usually in combination with protection against mumps and rubella (MMR), which should occur from the age of 11 to 14 months. The second vaccination should take place between the 15th and the 23rd month of life. This is to ensure that those children whose immune system has not built sufficient protection after the first vaccination, but ultimately still make antibodies. In Germany there are large regional differences in terms of vaccines. Especially in Upper Bavaria children are hardly vaccinated. In the national average, only 37 percent of all infants are protected from the virus according to Stiko recommendations.

Researchers want to have calculated that for a worldwide extinction a vaccination rate of 95 percent must be achieved. Unlike zoonosis, infectious diseases such as rabies or foot-and-mouth disease, which can be transmitted from animals to humans, measles viruses only affect humans. An eradication, as it has succeeded in the smallpox viruses, could also be possible, so the opinion of the researchers. In adults over 20 and children up to five years, measles disease can cause serious complications. The initial symptoms, such as cold, cough, or fever, can quickly develop pneumonia or even brain inflammation. Measles are considered to be highly contagious and the number of illnesses depends heavily on how many people are near an infected person.

Children and adolescents demand that all children should be protected in public schools and day-care centers. However, an introduction from abroad can hardly be prevented. (Fr)