Does sport provide protection against dementia?

Does sport provide protection against dementia? / Health News

Doctors in the US recommend people with mild cognitive impairment to exercise

A new policy for physicians in the United States states that patients with mild cognitive impairment should exercise physically twice a week. Training improves memory and thinking. Older people should therefore do sports instead of being prescribed medications if they have problems with their memory.

The American Academy of Neurology experts found in their study that people with mild cognitive impairment should do physical exercises twice a week to improve their thinking and memory. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "Neurology".

Sport and exercise can improve thinking and memory. Especially older people with mild cognitive impairment should therefore pay attention to sufficient exercise. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Exercise helps body and mind

It has long been shown that regular physical activity has beneficial effects on health. Now we can say that sport can help improve memory in people with mild cognitive impairment, explains author Dr. Ronald Petersen. What's good for the heart might be good for the brain, the experts thought, studying the effects of sport on thinking and memory.

What are mild cognitive impairments?

A mild cognitive impairment is an intermediate stage between the normal cognitive decline of aging and the strong cognitive decline in dementia. For example, symptoms that occur may include memory, language, thinking, and judgment problems that are more severe than normal age-related changes. In general, these changes are not severe enough to significantly affect daily life and activities, the researchers say. However, mild cognitive impairment may increase the risk of later becoming ill with dementia caused by Alzheimer's or other neurological disorders.

Already two training sessions per week protect against mental breakdown

The updated recommendations for mild cognitive impairment were developed after reviewing all available studies. Studies over a six-month period showed that training sessions twice a week can help people with mild cognitive impairment manage their symptoms.

At best, you should do 150 minutes of exercise each week

Dr. Petersen encourages people to do aerobic exercise. But also brisk walking and jogging have positive effects. No matter which exercise you choose, try exercising 150 minutes a week. For example, five workouts lasting 30 minutes or three workouts lasting 50 minutes. The amount of effort should be enough to work up a sweat, advises the expert. Physical training can slow down the rate at which dementia eventually becomes mild cognitive impairment.

Can cognitive training improve cognitive functions?

So-called cognitive training also seems to help people with mild cognitive impairment. Such cognitive training uses repetitive memory and reasoning exercises, the researchers explain. There is little evidence that cognitive training can improve cognitive function, say the authors. The experts did not recommend changing the diet or using medication. There are no drugs for mild cognitive impairment which are described by U.S. Pat. Food and Drug Administration are approved, explain the doctors.

How widespread are cognitive disorders?

More than six percent of people between the ages of 60 and 70 around the world have mild cognitive disorders, the scientists report in a press release from the American Academy of Neurology. The older people become, the more common this problem becomes. By age 85, more than 37 percent suffer from mild cognitive disorders. With such a prevalence, finding lifestyle factors that slow the rate of cognitive impairment can make a big difference to individuals and society, Dr. Petersen.

The process of aging can be delayed

"We do not have to consider aging as a passive process, we can do something about the aging process," adds the expert. Thus, if cognitive impairment usually occurs at age 72, physical training may delay it. For example, cognitive impairment does not occur until the age of 75 or 78 years. This is a significant difference. (As)