Beer belly favors diabetes, heart disease & sleep problems

Beer belly favors diabetes, heart disease & sleep problems / Health News
The beer belly causes considerable health risks
Many men in Germany wear their beer belly with pride, but in particular the belly fat (visceral fat) is according to statement of doctors for the health particularly critical. Although the beer belly as "Dad bod" (Papa body) just enjoys an increased acceptance, but this is also a health and not a purely aesthetic problem, reports the news agency "dpa", citing Professor Andreas Fritsche of the Department of Nutrition Medicine and Prevention at the University of Tübingen. Ultimately, the beer belly could be dangerous to health.

The formation of increased abdominal fat is a much-debated topic in the medical community, and it is now known that visceral fat significantly increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, according to Mayo Clinic's announcement in Rochester, US Various studies on visceral fat have been performed. Women with a waist circumference of more than 80 centimeters and men with a waist circumference of more than 102 centimeters would be more exposed to health risks than people with a lower waist, the Mayo Clinic researchers report. Therefore, in their opinion, not only the BMI (Body Mass Index), but also the waist circumference should be checked in medical examinations.

Belly fat is not the same as belly fat. A taut beer belly usually contains high levels of dangerous visceral fat. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Beer belly in name only
The beer belly arises, despite the name, of course not only by a high beer consumption. Rather, it is formed because "one consumes too many calories and does not burn enough," cites the "dpa" Prof. Fritsche. However, alcohol is - in addition to fat - one of the calorie-containing foods and so alcoholic beverages could contribute significantly to the formation of the beer belly. In addition, the appetite is stimulated by the alcohol and the beer drinkers tend to increased food intake. "The typical person with a beer belly likes to drink beer, but also likes to eat," explains Prof. Richard Raedsch from the German Medical Internists' Association to the "dpa". Therefore, probably the name "beer belly".

Men are more likely to beer belly
Due to the gender-specific features in the formation of fat pads, the beer belly is a rather male problem. Because men would form fat deposits mainly in the abdominal area and are therefore more distribution type apple, while women are more likely to show a pear-shaped Verteilungsgmuster and therefore attach to thighs and butt more fat pads, reports the "dpa". According to Professor Matthias Blüher, Obesity and Adipose Tissue Researcher at the University of Leipzig's Collaborative Research Centers Mechanisms of Obesity, however, there are also exceptions compared to the "dpa" and some men are more like the pear type or, conversely, women are the apple type. Which type of fat distribution is present, among other things by the genes, but also the sex hormones decided.

Visceral fat represents a significant health risk
According to the experts, the fat deposits on the abdomen can be differentiated into the subcutaneous fat, which accumulates directly under the skin, and the visceral fat, which also forms between and on the organs. In particular, visceral fat is considered to have a very critical effect on health. This has a different composition of the fat cell structure than the subcutaneous fat, explains Professor Raedsch. In addition, it sends out certain hormones that contribute to an increase in appetite, which in turn is eaten more and the fat storage continues to increase. This would be a veritable "vicious circle." Furthermore, the visceral abdominal fat would release inflammatory substances "that can damage the blood vessels, promote lipid metabolism disorders and contribute to diabetes," adds Professor Blüher in the contribution of the "dpa". There would also be an increase in metabolic products such as fatty acids, which enter the liver directly and undiluted. This saves too much fat and may become insulin-resistant, explains Blüher. Last but not least, the visceral belly fat also increases the risk of coronary heart disease and a heart attack. In addition, a recent study by the team led by the sleep researcher dr. Virend Somers of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester revealed that people with beer belly or high visceral fat levels show significant impairments in the quality of their sleep.

Determine the proportions of fat types
The BMI can serve as a guide to determining overweight, but this does not distinguish between the different types of fat and therefore does not allow a differentiated statement of the individual health risk. For this purpose, the proportions of visceral fat and subcutaneous fat must be determined more accurately. According to Professor Fritsche, the determination of the different types of fat can be used as a guide to the waist-to-hip ratio, ie the ratio between the waist and hip circumference. Good for women is a narrower waist than hips and in men a roughly equal circumference of waist and hips. In addition, a stomach with a high visceral fat content feels different than increased subcutaneous fat deposits on the stomach. "The typical beer belly with visceral fat bulges like a football and hangs little," Professor Blüher is quoted by the "dpa". Professor Fritsche adds that a test with his fingers could also help here. "If you peek with your finger and your stomach looks bulging or you do not get any folds between your thumb and forefinger, that's an indication for visceral fat," says the expert from the University of Tübingen. However, definitive information on the proportion of different types of fat could only be provided by imaging techniques such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Measures against the visceral fat
The visceral fat not only carries special health risks, but can also be more difficult to eliminate than subcutaneous fat deposits. For diets or reduced calorie intake, first of all, subcutaneous fat is broken down. Hungry help here little, so the message of the "dpa". However, Professor Fritsche advises nevertheless to a diet change, with healthy food and fewer calories. It is best to switch to a Mediterranean diet with vegetables, nuts and vegetable oils. By making appropriate lifestyle changes, the level of visceral fat can often be significantly reduced even with little weight loss. Movement also plays a decisive role here. Professor Raedsch recommends active physical activity at least three times a week, such as swimming or a quick walk. Hopes for a quick dismantling of the beer belly with the help of an operative intervention should not make the persons concerned, according to the experts, however. Simply sucking the fat brings nothing, because "only subcutaneous fat can be sucked off," cites the "dpa" Professor Fritsche. (Fp)