Beer thoughts before the closing time

Beer thoughts before the closing time / Health News

Anyone who thinks of beer or wine before the end of work can quickly slip into alcohol dependence


„Now do one more thing and then quickly drink the after-work beer“, one way or another many people think shortly before the end of work. Such thoughts, however, can be an indication of a beginning alcohol dependence. Endangered are also those who drink very fast and above all a lot of beer or wine.

An eventful day with a lot of stress comes to an end. Many then think of a glass of beer or wine for relaxation. Anette Wahl-Wachendorf from the Association of Plant and Factory Physicians says that drinking a small glass of wine or beer three or four times a week in the evening, „is still ok“. As a rule, then there are no habituation effects. An alarming sign is, however, when drinking thoughts come up even before the end of working hours. It could indicate that the wine or the beer gets a high priority and an alcohol addiction is approaching. This happens quickly, especially when the alcohol is consumed to compensate for anger and stress.

The doctor points out that individual drinking habits may also be negative signs. For example, those who drink a lot at a party in a short time, more than the others, are questionable. „This shows that someone is very used to alcohol and consciously heading for levels“. The suspicion, it could be an addiction, is obvious.

Anyone who notices that their own alcohol consumption has increased may first try to let the alcohol go away for at least a week. If this is very difficult or if the goal can not be achieved, a doctor or therapist should be contacted. (Sb)

Image: Radka Beautiful