Beer on wine, wine on beer - Does the order make a difference?

Beer on wine, wine on beer - Does the order make a difference? / Health News

Does the order of different drinks affect the hangover?

Many people stick to the old rule when it comes to drinking alcohol: beer on wine, that's what it takes - wine on beer, I'll advise you. However, the order in which people consume alcoholic beverages has, according to a recent investigation, no effect on the severity of the following cat.

The scientists of the University of Witten / Herdecke found in their current study that there is no ideal order for the consumption of different types of alcohol, which can reduce the following hangover. The physicians published the results of their study in the English language journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

Consuming alcohol can cause headaches, fatigue and nausea, which is often referred to as a hangover. (Image: vasakna - fotolia)

When consuming alcohol, pay attention to these warning signs

To test the theory of whether it makes a difference for a later hangover, in which order different alcoholic beverages are consumed, the researchers gave 90 students drinks in different order and changed the order a week later in another attempt. The study found that the feeling of how drunk the people were and whether they vomited were the best indicators for the next day. People should pay attention to these warning signs when drinking alcohol in order to reduce the likelihood of a cat developing, experts suggest.

Dyes and flavors can enhance the hangover

Most people have their own ideas about what prevents a hangover and how it can be made more bearable. But surprisingly, there is little information on what exactly causes the hangover after consuming alcohol, so far there is no really efficient and reliable antidote, the scientists explain. It is believed that the causes of a hangover include dehydration, our immune system, and metabolic and hormonal disorders. Dyes and flavors in ingested beverages can also make the hangover worse, which can cause drinks with the same concentration of alcohol to cause a bigger hangover.

How was the experiment set up??

For the study, the 90 students between the ages of 19 and 40 were divided into three groups by the University of Witten / Herdecke in Germany. The first group drank about two and a half liters of beer, followed by four large glasses of white wine. The second group drank the same amounts of alcohol, but in reverse order. The third group acted as a control group and drank either only wine or only beer. A week later, the subjects of the first two groups changed, while the participants in the control group changed to the not yet recorded alcoholic drink. The subjects were asked to rate how drunk they were at the end of each study day and were under medical supervision overnight. The change in the order of consumption of the drinks had no significant difference to the following hangover, as indicated by the answers to the questionnaire.

Women tend to get a stronger hangover

It was not possible to predict the intensity of the hangover based on factors such as age, body weight, drinking habits, and the frequency with which people usually get hangovers. However, there was a difference between the sexes, with women tending to have a slightly stronger hangover than men, say the physicians. The only reliable way to predict how bad people feel the next day after drinking alcohol is how drunk they feel during and right after consumption, and whether they are sick, says study author Jöran Köchling from the university Witten / Herdecke. In the event that you should also suffer from a hangover, here is a list of what home remedies help with a hangover. (As)