Lack of exercise more deadly than overweight?

Lack of exercise more deadly than overweight? / Health News

Physical inactivity is more deadly than obesity


Nearly 340,000 people die every year in Europe from overweight and obesity. About twice as many deaths are due to a lack of physical activity, according to a new study. Even a little bit of daily exercise could help many people.

Significant health risk
The fact that severe obesity represents a significant health risk has been scientifically confirmed in numerous studies in recent years. Increased body weight, for example, is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular problems such as heart attack, high blood pressure or coronary heart disease, cancer and many other health problems. Often, physical inactivity is a cause of obesity. A new study now concludes that lack of physical activity is much more dangerous than overweight.

Physically inactive people risk premature death
As Cambridge University researchers have found, people who are physically inactive are twice as likely to die prematurely as obese people. The scientists around Ulf Ekelund have data for their investigation „European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study“ for which 334,161 Europeans were observed over a 12-year period. The subjects were recorded waist circumference, size, weight and their sporting activities. In addition, every death was recorded within the twelve years. In total, 21,438 of the participants died.

Sitting work and no sports after work
A comparison of the different risk groups showed that the inactive people had the greatest risk of premature death. The participants in this group, which accounted for around a quarter of respondents, said that they primarily sit at work and do not exercise or exercise after work. According to them, the risk of premature death is 16 to 30 percent higher than for people who at least „something active“ are. The relationship was strongest in normal weight, but also in overweight. The researchers' findings were recently published in the journal „American Journal of Clinical Excerise“ released.

20 minutes walk a day
According to the experts, of the approximately nine million deaths a year in Europe, there are more than 330,000 obesity episodes (BMI of more than 30) and more than 670,000 in terms of physical activity. Study author Ekelund said in a statement from the university: „This is a simple message: Doing a bit of physical activity every day can bring substantial physical benefits to inactive people.“ Already 20 minutes of fast walking daily make his statement after the difference. Exercise should be integrated as an important part of everyday life.

Significantly increase life expectancy
Similar findings came from a study from Taiwan last year. As the German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention (DGSP) announced at the time, a large study from the East Asian country showed that 15 minutes of normal daily exercise are sufficient to significantly increase life expectancy compared to non-active persons. It was said that the effects were even better when the tempo was increased. (Ad)

Picture credits: Lupo