Better airing in the office against pathogens

Better airing in the office against pathogens / Health News
Heating air increases the risk of infection
When temperatures drop outside, regular airing is especially important. Because the heating air quickly causes the mucous membranes to dry out, increasing the susceptibility to infections. But that does not just apply to the home - instead, care should be taken in the office to open the windows regularly.
Open the window three times a day
Whether at home or at work: If you are constantly in warm, poorly ventilated rooms, it may harm your health. Because the warm heating air dries out the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth, throat and throat, making them more susceptible to the penetration and spread of pathogens, according to the general practitioner Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld opposite the "dpa". As a result, the risk of a cold increases with typical symptoms such as cold or sore throat.

Ventilate more often in the office and avoid infections. Image: UBER IMAGES - fotolia

Pay attention to sufficient drinking
Accordingly, it is important in winter to provide adequate ventilation. If you spend eight hours a day in the office, you should ideally air three times a day for three to five minutes, according to the expert's advice. In addition, a room temperature in the office of about 23 degrees is recommended, and care should be taken to ensure that the body receives sufficient fluid (i.e., at least two liters) throughout the day. Who is exposed to strong heating air, can also prevent regular nasal rinsing or sea salt spray drying of the mucous membranes.

Natural home remedies for the prevention of colds
The drinking of iodine water is considered to be a well-tried home remedy for colds, because the iodine is to regulate the fluid balance of the nasal mucous membranes and thus prevent the outbreak of the cold. Alternatively, the intake of the Schüßler salt No. 14 (potassium iodate D6) bring the same effect. For dry skin as a result of the heating air usually only helps to strengthen this care. Here, however, moisturizers should be better avoided, because they can even increase the dryness via the so-called "wicking effect" (water evaporation). Instead, experts recommend mostly urea-containing creams, as they bind water and have a moisturizing effect. (No)