Symptoms of tachycardia This heart rhythm disorder can be life-threatening

Symptoms of tachycardia This heart rhythm disorder can be life-threatening / Health News

Tachycardia from out of nowhere: Seizures must be checked at the doctor

Although there is usually something harmless behind the tachycardia, in some cases lethal heart diseases are responsible for the pumping organ racing. Experts explain when sufferers should definitely go to a doctor.

When the heart begins to race out of nowhere

When the heart "beats to the neck" are usually excitement, anxiety, physical exertion or even anticipation of the triggers. However, when the pump organ begins to race out of nowhere, it feels very uncomfortable, sometimes threatening to those affected: dizziness, shortness of breath or feelings of fear often occur. "Such bouts of palpitations should be clarified by the doctor, because behind it can be dangerous heart disease stuck," warns the cardiologist Prof. Dr. med. med. Paulus Kirchhof from the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Heart Foundation in a communication.

For tachycardia, harmless causes are often responsible. In some cases, however, dangerous heart disease can be the reason why the heart is racing. (Image: Syda Productions /

Not automatically dangerous

"Even though sudden tachycardia - not to be confused with heart stumbling - often feels very threatening, the attacks do not automatically have to be dangerous," says Kirchhof, who is also the Chair of Cardiovascular Diseases at the University of Birmingham (UK).

As explained in the Communication from the Heart Foundation, sudden seizures of the heart rate can occur at heart rates above 140 beats per minute due to various heart conditions.

In many cases, the accelerated heartbeat is triggered by atrial fibrillation. While this most common form of cardiac arrhythmia is not acutely dangerous, the heart chambers do the most pumping work.

In the atria, however, can form clots, which can then trigger a stroke in the episode.

According to estimates, more than 1.8 million people in Germany suffer from atrial fibrillation alone.

Always have cardiac arrhythmia clarified by a doctor

However, not every heart attack has a serious illness as the cause.

When the seizures start abruptly, without any reason and can be stopped by maneuvers like drinking a glass of water, chances are good that it is benign heartbeat.

Although this form of cardiac arrhythmia can be very distressing for those affected, it can be cured in most cases.

Many people with cardiac arrhythmias react with great uncertainty as to whether they are harmless or dangerous and how they can be treated.

"Whether cardiac arrhythmias are harmless, less harmless or life-threatening, only a cardiologist can decide after a detailed examination of the patient," said heart specialist Kirchhof.

"Patients who experience seizures from palpitation out of nowhere should seek medical attention." (Ad)