Over-trained sports training without breaks can become a health risk

While it is healthy to exercise regularly, it depends on the right dosage. Those who train too much overload themselves quickly and increase their risk of injury. In addition, people who do a great deal of sports can become addicted.
Regular exercise is healthy
Experts agree that sport is good for health. Sufficient physical activity has been proven to prevent obesity, cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and numerous other diseases, not least because the sports activities also strengthen the immune system. However, as is the case in many areas of life, the right level is also important here. Too much sport can hurt your health.

Training programs tailored to competitive athletes
But for some recreational athletes, things can not go fast enough. They rush to extreme trend sports or training programs from the Internet, which are actually tailored to athletes or experienced athletes. The training soon becomes an overload. The risk of injury also increases
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kaptain, fitness expert at the German University for Prevention and Health Management DhfPG, said in a message from the news agency dpa: "Signs of overtraining are decreased performance, fatigue and irritability. In extreme cases, tensions and injuries also occur. "
Muscle building takes place in the breaks
The training is the stimulus trigger. The actual strength or muscle building takes place in the phases between the training sessions. Therefore, not only the duration of these phases is important, but in particular the quality.
"These include sleep duration and depth, balanced and qualitative nutrition and the lowest possible stress level. If these factors are optimized, a more intensive load can be better compensated, "says Prof. Kaptain. The body also needs training experience. The longer the experience, the more resilient the organism.
Involve lifestyle
The training programs are best adapted not only to the training level, but also to the general capacity or the ability to regenerate. According to one skilled in the art, both exercise selection and exercise duration and intensity should be considered. If the program is balanced, the performance limit will not be exceeded so quickly.
"In order to optimally shape your individual training, an experienced trainer who realistically defines the goals is helpful. He should not only test the current performance, but also incorporate the lifestyle, "said the fitness expert.
Sport can make you dependent
Excessive training is associated with the health risks and the danger of dependence, because even sports can be a dangerous addiction. According to health experts, this may affect you if you do not count sports such as cycling as a sport, sign up in several gyms to train at any time or for sports neglected his social environment.
The same applies if you get withdrawal symptoms, just because you can not train, or his environment does not tell that you do so much sport. Signs of addiction also include ignoring body warning signs of pain, fatigue, or headaches. Alarm signals should always be taken seriously. Those affected should seek support - in many cases, psychotherapy helps. (Ad)