Report How is the health in Germany

Report How is the health in Germany / Health News
The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) have published the report "Health in Germany". It's about the questions: What about our health? Which factors influence you? How is it in Germany for prevention and health promotion ordered? The results are now available.
In terms of care and health behavior, there are hardly any differences between old and new federal states in Germany. This is suggested by the view of life expectancy: the average life expectancy of women is 82.7 years and that of men is 77.7 years. In addition, since 2004, the report has seen a steady decline in adolescent smokers.

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The mortality rates for most cancers and deaths from coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes have fallen. However, since the first health report, the number of known diabetes cases has increased: in total, approximately 4.6 million adults between the ages of 18 and 79 are suffering from diabetes mellitus.

One of the two main drivers of health and care is demographic change. One third of the increase in known diabetes illnesses is attributed, for example, to demographic aging. Another determining development is the social situation. According to the report, high-income men have eleven years longer life expectancy than men with very low incomes. More can be found here.